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A member registered May 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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Yes that is the ending! I may change it to be more clear, but the idea is that you become treasure and can move no more.

Beautiful dreams make beautiful games.

Neat! What inspired you to make the prototype?

I think the full game is already out its Exhibit of Sorrows!

I stopped and couldn’t move for a while. I’m going to think about the chip they put in my head for a long time.

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Whoa!!! I just saw this and I’m really excited to play it!! :D

Edit: Okay I need to find a mouse first because taking a camera picture isn’t working on mac trackpad but I will be back!

they’re just a fwiendly little guy :3 :3 :3 knocking on your door :3 :3 :3

it’s kinda sweet that the stalker wants me to tell them they deserve a second chance and to be forgiven and for them to be able to go home. i’m also impressed by how they managed to hack into a dystopic corporate survey and made it interesting. like it’s not really scary just cool

tbh i’m really lonely and kind of relate to the stalker’s feelings, so talking to them was nice

wow wtf

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Wow, this is really clever!! Here’s my result!

My partner got a birdequinecow, who has an elaborate mating dance!

Ohh got you - 80% zoom fixed it! (here’s what the game should look like to anyone else searching the comments for help)

Woww, thank you! Didn’t know there was an chinese instrument in there!

Omg this is so cool written out!! :D

(PS) since you seem to have drawn some connections with the sound systems. Here’s some food for thought: you said that you had to turn up the volume in each “layer” which allowed you to put in the password (and get killed each time). But do you remember ever turning up the volume for the very last one?

Okay so… I actually showed this to someone who has very good hearing and didn’t even need to turn up the volume for that one xD. I played through again and turned up the volume (on my computer in real life), which I think means that if the cycle is:

Windows 7: dead person -> turn up volume of mysterious voices -> unlock security -> static -> knocking -> Windows 10: monster enters room -> turn up volume on Windows 10 -> unlock security -> static -> knocking -> 3dverse: monster enters room -> turn up actual computer volume -> unlock security -> whole screen turns static -> REAL LIFE: MONSTER ENTERS ROOM?

But what’s most notable from the first room is that the person was dead, bloody, xs over the eyes on the floor, so perhaps we are the living opposite…

Anyway there’s another layer up from us where the volume did not get turned up yet, perhaps… the monster has yet to appear to KILL…

also what musical instrument is it? my boyfriend thinks it’s too high for a cello, but not high enough for a violin.

all the imagebb images are broken :(


The game’s trick made a lot of sense, but I was a little surprised as I was expecting it to be longer! or for there to be a different ending possible, like with how it says you can try to save the person if you enter the numbers to unlock the settings. I liked how the nested worlds worked: first you need to turn the mysterious voices up on your windows 7 (to get killed), and then you need to turn the fake-Windows UI sound up (to get killed), and then you need to turn your own computer’s sound up (to presumably die horribly). It’s a really neat thing to encounter.

Also it was very gorgeously implemented. Details looked really similar to real windows. After replaying it I was surprised to find that the puzzles were semi-randomized, like the cipher had different answers, which is really not what I expected of such a short game! As well as the hints panel with the mods - they are helpful, though I’m surprised they are just like lol idk can’t help you any more giving you more hints if you keep begging. And the inappropriateness of the stream was also funny. Having you have to enter your name is also interestingly uncomfortable - I like the bit of personality that comes with ‘That’s not your name’ if you enter something else.

Anyway, if you keep making these you should put them all in a Short Horror Story compilation or something, they’re all bangers, or perhaps expand the idea into a longer game.

Going to try to get some other people to play this in a few days and see what they think too!

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hhhhh… it reminds me of

(ohh also - RECURSion lol)

I’d like to play this, but the mouse drag doesn’t seem to be working. I’m trying to drag the word Fire onto Cast Spell, but nothing happens when I try to click.

lots of fun! i admire the restraint in not making the game too easy. also i really like how you can click the icons on the side to skip back to their choice. also, i think the sorcerer mage is hot.

love a game that makes me do math in the downtime <3

it’s pretty clever because you look at cheese and go ‘wow, that looks amazing’ at first and then you realize later that you’re supposed to collect them all and wait no i hope there’s worse cheese!

love potion making me pinin for a 3 star roll

(<3 this game i found randomly through itch search, playing the LDJam version first!)

Have an image from apple phone OS.

I got delayed with finicky old windows. Turns out I turned on word wrap on that one to make it feel more like a mac.

But looking at WordPad is very nostalgic. I printed and stapled books together with it. And I found an entire citadel in the sands!! With autosave, enroaching desert sands are endangered species. Each deleted ~ is permanent.

As the newest member of the cyberwitch, my ritual was to undo the damage of a ruined life. My spell is lovely-beloved. It may be too late for the other spells. Turning back time would also be a good one.

I hope the nearest three undeleted demons have fun… The last tome sounds very suspicious. And I wish my problems were snakes. I love snakes.

What a bountiful world…!


I used to make these things when I was a kid and had access to a desktop computer at home with Windows 7.

I liked hiding things. I created mazes and hid folders inside of folders. I made 1000x copies of the same folder, arranged them on the Desktop to look like the word HELLO, in ordre to dissuade suspicion. I didn’t want my parents to take away my games.

Then I noticed the existence of the search function. I renamed my Game.exe files to renametoEgam.exe so they could not be found by a name based search.

I now play this on a Mac computer with column based folder sorting, but my experiences as Folder Dungeon Maker have not left me. Edit: Actually I decided to play this with normal folders on the same principle as not using the search function.

I opened the desert and it said not to save but Mac auto save… unfortunate. I think I’ll open this game on a different computer to play.

I like this.

This was fun! It was a good divergence of a few minutes. The instructions were a little confusing but I figured them out, and I ended up getting a proper fish. The genes being physically visible on the fish was very useful!

WOW cute and fun snail game!!

Whoa, this is really cool!

Wow, cool! I love the mechanics of picking two mushrooms! Hard to keep track of recipes though, maybe need a dictionary or memorizer bestiary

ohh, you can only pick up the reddish mushrooms! i see!

whoa the art is good! i get stuck in the middle of platforms a lot. how do i pick up mushrooms?