Thank you! Yes, had lots more planned - really really really wanted Shylock to sell you upgrades / heals or just gate you, trash talk you, and take all your money, Tom Nook style lol. Also wanted to add in character selection with different attributes so you could play as the Prince of Morocco for example. Then I'd definitely have been at least a little more on-theme.
As it stood with just a couple of hours in the evenings to work on the game I had to rein it all in or I'd have failed on the deadline (and very nearly did lol). So with my limited palette of enemies and features, I thought four levels was quite enough otherwise I'm being a bit rude to the player.
And thank you for asking! I am definitely looking to expand this; I've plenty of Unity packages I couldn't use due to the (absolutely fair) gamejam restrictions on paid assets. I'm either going to go in a roguelike direction or gauntlet direction, not sure yet! I love Diablo and the loot pinata (as you may have guessed from my 'coin sprayers' lol), and I love dual stick shooters so I'm sure these things can marry up!