Hi Doommetal, looks cool - will give it a shot when I'm on my PC. Curious, did you release a version for mobile? Also how was performance? I built a game in Godot 3.0 for webgl and couldn't get it to run fast enough on mobile.
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Looks cool! Will check it out when I'm on my PC. I looked into activity trackers a couple of months ago and bounced hard too as there's no way I'm sending that data over the interwebs :) Also discovered Obsidian last year and loove it.
And gratz on getting an entry out for gdtv jam - I didn't have the capacity this year unfortunately.
Wish I'd found this during the review period - though was definitely worth the post jam playthrough :)
I like to take my time in these things so I cleared it in 21 mins 5 secs, lol. I liked how there were clear shortcuts through each level for time-attacking (and avoiding that tricky spiky zone on the last level!!)
Had some 'Alone in the Dark' vibes playing this one - the part in AITD2 where you play as Grace (yup showing my age here). Although the princess has more tricks available to outsmart the enemies so didn't feel quite as defenceless. It being difficult to avoid the guard's attacks added to the sense of menace - liked that too. Great game.
Thank you Satinel, and thanks for the tip! Yeah it's a shame - even finding the time to review 50 games (and that's a big ask) would only scratch 5% of the submissions!! I might suggest to the GDTV guys to extend the review period for next time or to encourage further (unofficial) review cycles or showcases... The latter could be down to us in the discord 'community' to arrange I guess :)
Now the heat of the gamejam and review period is behind us... I think you got robbed on the 'fun' rating (and I can feel that as mine was lower than I expected). I thought the bow mechanic was EXCELLENT, had a lot of work put in and you could definitely build a game around that alone.
Blending that fun shooting mechanic with the nudge-nudge-wink-wink fantasy bits and I reckon you'd have a winner.
Thank you so much, really appreciate it :) This was my first 3D game.
I was worried a bit about performance as the last two years' GDTVs I was using onboard graphics, but I finally got a GPU last August. Actually I spent most of last Saturday working on the performance, as hundreds of enemies with all the Unity FPS Microgame components on them did not run well (navmesh agents firing several raycasts every update and other horrors).
An unlimited mode is a great idea. I'm going to add in more fun stuff to try and capture more of the VS magic, like 1) more interesting weapons 2) better passive items 3) all that lovely meta: unlockables and 4) all the missing juice... I haven't got a clue about 3D rendering so the art style might change radically to pixel art (I was going to go down this route initially but had 0 time to do art..!)
Thanks again!
This was cool! I played it in a rather cowardly fashion in 2D (hiding in the top left corner while the beam sweeps) and won without too much trouble (though it took a while).
Then I replayed in 3D only more bravely which was quicker and more fun dodging the balls.
You could definitely expand on this one. Got a little Space Harrier type vibe from all the balls flying towards the camera!
I was wondering if I'd be able to check out any more games tonight as I'm away from my PC but fortunately I came across your game. It works perfectly on mobile once I got used to the dragging mechanic.
Was addictive enough to see it through to the end. Nice little puzzler!
And thank you so much for the undo function.
The Fae dude hiding the machine gun cracked me up, and the OTT voice acting was absolutely on point. I can tell you had a lot of fun making this one.
So I kicked off by getting completely killed by the first ogre but then got handy with headshotting and things went pretty well from there.
I was kinda relieved that the new enemies on level two didn't outrange me. I think I wished they were a bit scarier though.
Really good entry, congrats all!
Great work!
The game mechanic was super and the level design really showed a respect for the player. I felt the split-bot dynamic was only ever used to aid and not to hinder (at least for a player that's not running in like a bull in a china shop :)
It's rare in these days of 'Souls-like difficulty' that I play a game where I get the level designer has cared a lot for the player rather than trying to splat them at any given moment - appreciated that.
The game mechanic brought back a faint memory of an ancient Spectrum isometric game called 'Head over Heels' with a similar theme of 'two players in a single player game' cooperation.
What a lovely platformer. I was going to use coins as a score then on the end screen I realised that wasn't the point (though I did manage to get every one on that last screen). I can't really think of anything to nitpick on. Great job.
My score was lives: 15, cat: 5. I thought the pink guys were enemies at first, then I tried touching one :)
Edit: and congrats on your first game jam! Hopefully the first of many. They really are amazing for creativity and productivity.
I really liked this one! The graphics reminded me of old 90s PC platformer / puzzlers - very nice.
As far as level design went that was also very kind to the player, there's a lot of scope to be mean when making the first dimension switch on a level, so I appreciate you avoiding that.
A funky tune is the only thing I could think of to complete the experience. Otherwise, an excellent job.
Thank you! Ahhh, you can probably tell which Boomer Shooters I love :) Imagine a few beheaded bombers peeling up behind you on the rear view mirror :)
You are quite right with the magnet upgrade - wish I'd had the time to implement it. Thinking about it I could probably do it in 15 minutes, just another collider on the pickups that makes them move towards the player on collision. Funny how those 15 minute new features have to be dropped in the heat of deadline day :D
Why are my hairs standing on end? Is it cold in here?
Took me a while to figure out the game mechanics - was moving the cursor around constantly (playing hunt the pixel ala graphic adventure games). Eventually I twigged that I needed to stick around on the various points of interest.
Great pixel art, animations and story. Overall I appreciate the 'difficulty', but I'm a stubborn sod and don't like to leave games unfinished :) (assuming the sitting on the cupboard being the last thing)
What lorporlem said :)
I did enjoy it, didn't have any issues understanding what to do (got all five artifacts). I'd say even just some echoey dungeon footstep sounds would have brought the dungeon to life a bit more. Appreciate the fast movement and sprinting - there's nothing more boring than slow movement in an FPS.
Thank you, yes I somehow broke the invincibility... Just took a look and it was a really simple fix, doh. The ending's not exciting but if you fancy seeing more of the game I have fixed that function and uploaded a new build.
Tip: grabbing the launcher upgrade tends to take care of things (on refIection I set the splash damage / distance a little bit too high)
Thanks Porkrind, I slipped my game to a buddy and he got me playing it again. Was trying to see if a shotgun only run was viable - seemed to be, although the mob turns into a blob that runs over itself and is pretty horrific. Launcher too imba :) But I always prefer to improve underpowered things than nerf things.
Re: sucking up the orbs, that would be cool and I did have that in mind. Though unfortunately Unity 3D doesn't have the cool Point Effector 2D, which I missed a lot - both my previous GDTV Gamejam entries have used those to slurp up nearby coins / XP.
Nice game, the chiptune matched the presentation really well.I liked how you'd fleshed out the alternate dimension stuff more than I did - I wanted to include higher risk / reward there but settled just for invincibility.
Only suggestions I'd have would be to have the main attack autofire when the mouse is held down. And maybe in a sound notification when your dash is ready would be nice too.
I won in 1:25 on normal and lasted 2:41 on endless. I was trying to be clever and use the pierce feature on the player's weapon but ended up being blasted to bits :) Good game.