Thanks for the feedback! That's strange (and worrisome) about the music stuttering. I haven't encountered that as an issue. Does it happen if you play it in magic window/Non-VR mode? Does it stutter if you retry after playing through one full time? I'm curious if it's a "loading-the-MP3s-the-first-time" problem, running out of resources issue (if non-VR mode works fine), or if the Nexus just handles audio completely different than my S6 dev phone...
I've only got the S6 to test on, and it runs well until the phone starts heating up, usually on the 3rd consecutive playthrough. I was able to build out and test on a S8, and that did not have any thermal issues or slowdown, but it did have some z-fighting in the hallway/menu scene. I tweaked the positions of the doors, and that solved it at that time. I'm bummed to hear that you're seeing z-fighting issues. Is it all the doors in the hallway, or just the ones that are farthest away from the camera position?
Sorry to badger you with a bunch of questions, but I was really hoping that this version was finished/ready to release, since it was running with no issues (besides thermal throttling after multiple playthroughs) on my S6. I really appreciate you alerting me to these issues, and any more feedback would be super helpful, if you've got the time to mess with it. Thanks again!