2018.02.17 Update
Time.. the passing of time... it's too quick to keep up with. I continue to be swamped with work (this is good, actually, but inconvenient for jamming). HOWEVER, I did manage to get some stuff done:
- All items and foods have a sprite now.
- All inventory views (shelf & fridge) have their views hooked up & displaying their contents correctly.
- You can eat, use, and discard objects!
- Crafting system mostly in, but needs testing.
- Some general quality-of-life refactoring for the UI system.
I'd like to expand on the gameplay more -- especially now that there's a system in place to handle most of what I want to do -- but need to get some other major things done before I do that. Namely:
- Getting more art in, so you're not just looking at semi-transparent rectangles.
- Making sure the planting system actually works like I want it to (still haven't had a chance to do this).
- Planning dialogue.
- Actually putting in the dialogue system.
- Adding win/lose conditions and a restart button.
- Making the bed interactable, so sleeping is no longer linked to a debug key.
There's also a very long list of UX improvements I'd like to make around selection & input but frankly all of those can come later because they're not actively interfering with the gameplay. Phew.