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Some more updates recently,

  • Redesigned the look of existing dungeon proc gen, new floors
  • Added exterior forest map which kinda ties into the title screen! For fun I added clouds that fly by on this map
  • Added cave map which at the moment is pretty similar in layout to forest map
  • Added support for animated tilemap tiles, used right now to animate water and lava
  • I consolidated all the existing UI into the side bar, so now the inventory and equipment is visible all the time. I initially resisted this idea but I think it is significantly better and more user friendly, at some cost of screen realestate
  • You can now drink potions! The UI mechanism for this is currently experimental. When you pick up a potion from your inventory the character portrait changes expression and a little "DRINK" label bounces on top of the portrait, you drink the potion by dropping it on the portrait. Its a little gimmicky, but at the same time works very well on touch devices, which I'm always keeping in mind as I design the UI
  • While messing around with procgen I added a Unity Editor extension that lets me dump maps in ascii form at various stages of their creation. This is purely for debugging purposes, but I thought it might be interesting to share. Unity lacks a good monospaced debug console, so I might develop this console further and add it to the FES offering in future releases