5 ={
Hey that's my partners highscore as well! Our music guy reached 55 and I can't even imagine how he did that.... :O
one thing that I noticed is that if you stack the two characters one top of each other you can kindaaa control them w the same input. But ive failed miserably anyway x)
True! But then heat seeking enemies will find you faster ;)Our music guy said he had the most success having each character in an opposing corner.
Makes sense! Hey good luck w the jam and awesome job! =) congrats for the team!
Same to you! I will check out your game as well once I have worked off my queue :) I saw this was your first time using a game engine? Looks great!
Thanks! ^^ we'd love feedback! Yeah, everybody downloaded a game engine for the very first time. I have no idea how we managed to finish on time. T T