That is one great game!
The concept of block spaceships building over time in a tetris fashion is already interesting, but the fact that detaching pieces is how you save yourself AND you get attack bonuses is incredible.
If I had to give some (constructive) criticism and/or ideas for upgrading the game, I'd say that:
- the laser sounds are slightly annoying when you have 5+ blocks shooting, maybe randomize a bit the pitch or the sound itself to add variety?
- the difficulty increases nicely, but it feels like once you break the ship for the first time you can't recover: the pieces fly everywhere and are destroyed, and the enemies are still coming faster than before.
- this could greatly benefit from having more blocks that come later: double lasers? flamethrowers? shields that have to be placed strategically to be actually useful? grenade launchers? the possibilities are endless
- good job with telegraphing in advance where the pieces spawn. The same could've been done (to a smaller extent maybe?) to the enemies for clarity purposes.
- if the pieces spawn ON your ship, they might not be collected sometimes, in the rush of the action it happens sometimes.
- it would help if the enemies flash a little bit when being hit by a laser, for simple feedback purposed.
- a pause menu would also be welcome.
Great concept and very nice potential for upgraded versions, don't abandon this idea, you can do a lot with it, maybe in later Game Jams, who knows.
Congrats for finishing the GameJam, and good luck for next times!