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Great job! Such a cute game! What engine did you make this in? I want to guess Construct 3 or Unity but not entirely sure? I love that you made it so melodic! I've become a bit of a music nerd so I appreciated that lol! It even came up with some cool little riffs that I tried to record to remember later, but then my recordings didn't get the sound and it was too late to go back lol. Oh well! If those riffs are meant to be, they will come back! Great job! :D


Amazing! It's made with Godot, such a clean engine for this kind of projects. You may have better chance with the download version to record it. But I love how it brings back what Electroplankton did 15 years ago. At first it was meant to be a music device and then the experience was so unique that capturing it made it loose it's magic feel. So everytime you come back to it's a new experience just for you.