From the description I thought it was going to be like a "snake" game ish concept where the more treasure you collected you had this long line trail behind you making it harder to navigate and potentially getting suck but I was mostly wrong. :) Sadly, I could not get onboard with the movement. It is confusing because everything shifts one tile to the left plus whatever movement you made and it is not clear or easy to understand. On top of that the game starts you in a mind field of walls and throws in a timer where you will move automatically not giving the player enough time to get their footing or understands the rules of the game.
My recommendation is to make the firsts parts of the game super easy and give enough room for the player to make mistakes as they learn the mechanics of the game without feeling like they didn't have a chance and now have to start all over. Other than that I think you can a very unique/challenging concept that with a little better difficulty curve can be a fun experience.