Really nice concept but the game had a small ammount of problems.
First of all, it was the wrong time for that type of game. Due to the pandemic most people can't still visit any friends and thus are unable to play the game.
Secondly, playing from the controller felt really weird, the pc had a big advantage, although I am not sure if it is fixable in any way... (and it might also just be my personal preferences that formed this opinion)
Thirdly, the game doesn't support dualshock4 controllers which could be a really big dissapointment for a lot of people. (Of course you can use DS4WINDOWS to bypass the problem but most people don't know this.)
But other than these notices the game looks like it would be a lot of fun and a nice thing to bring as a surpise on a gaming night. Really looking forward to play it with some friends after the carantine is over.