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A member registered Aug 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Cute :)

Difficulty spike after 5ish waves :(

Pig dice are nice

Funny idea, I was a bit confused about the stars which the dice drops.

Very charming game. Nice music and art.

Very charming game. Nice music and art.

Very charming game. Nice music and art.

Nice idea, I would have played more into the reload mechanic so that the player has to reload more often during a run

Interesting idea, however, the time subtracting thing sadly did not work or at least I did not notice it.

Unique idea. Levels were cleverly thought out. I struggled a bit with the "push tiles" as they also allowed me to move before they happened

Interesting idea, was a bit hard to understand.

I wish the rotate block would be faster, otherwise good game.

Very good for your first game jam game. Very impressive that you successfully made an RPG. The game is pretty easy at the start, then gets very easy, and then I got one shot. Don't worry the enemy design in my game is similar to your character design😉.

It was hard to see the buttons because they were at the very side and nearly completely off the screen.

Interesting concept for a puzzle game. The controls were a bit weird at the beginning, I felt like they were offset by 90°. Game is pretty fun.

Cute high score based game. The game ends a bit too quick, I did not really have time to see what my total score was at the end

This has to be the most creative game I have played this jam so far. The mechanic with building your own dice out of the floor is really unique. It is just a shame that the WebGL build does not work, but as already said by other people, you can fix that. 

Nice puzzle game. The visuals are very nice. I found it pretty hard to keep track of where which side of the dice is.

Thank you for playing, we all agree that the juice is not up to par with some of the other entries in this jam. But as you surely know, it is quite hard to add some juice to a game with so few devs.

A unique idea, but not very hard. I liked the different enemies.

Personally, I find it extremely hard to create a puzzle game during a jam. This game is seriously amazing

Either the enemies are not killable or they have way too much health

I liked the use of the rolling balls. Is a nice game.

There is one coin at the start which I could not pick up

This is a great concept. After some time you can no longer pay attention to what side you roll onto making it a simple dodging game.

Certainly something different, I did not expect to find a text-based adventure here. 

Neat little game, I do not often see games made with Scatch. I would have made the special coins another sprite so that the player can specifically target them. The screen shake is a bit too strong and makes it hard to control the dice

I cannot figure out the controls of the game

Game seems to have a interesting concept, however it did not work for me. The rooms did not rotate

Simple yet complicated gameplay, took some time to understand how exactly the dice work. Art and Music are very nice!

I really enjoyed this, I think that the idea has a lot of potential.

The main issue I had with the game was that I had to keep jumping over and over to make the box go up, that resulted in a bit tedious levels where the only thing I had to do was to jump over and over again.

I hope that this jam was a great experience for you and that you will continue on this journey

This is the best game I have played from this jam so far. Kudos to you.

Nice game, although the movement is a bit too fast for my liking.

You can play it online using Parsec. I hope you have fun when you can finally play the game.

A very tricky but fun game. Ceiling hugging is a completely valid strat that you will not be punished for

The concept of this game is amazing. However, as already said by other comments the tutorial was a bit confusing and it did not help that I was attacked during it. I was also attacked by a lot of enemies at the same time so that I could not do anything against them.

But as I already said the idea and concept of this game are really good.

Interesting Idea, however I found out that you did not have to listen to the birds at all and could only match them blindly without any repercussions. If that would be fixed it could be a fun game.

For everybody who wants to play the game but has no one at home to do so with, we tested and played the game via Parsec which worked pretty well. Parsec is free to use:

Thank you for playing,

For the first point we already knew that going in to the jam but we thought that multiplayer was the way to go for this game. We did not want to implement online multiplayer as it would have brought many more problems. The way we tested and played the game was via Parsec which worked surprisingly well.

I totally agree with the second point the aiming for the mouse and keyboard player is far easier than for the rest of them. However as you said it would be very difficult to circumvent that issue, we could have not supported M&K but I am sure that most of the players will appreciate the M&K support.

For the last point we could not test it with DualShock4 controller and we simply hoped that the Unity Input System supported PlayStation Controllers.

Thank you again for your feedback.

Very interesting, I think it would have been beneficial if the player could change characters on command, it was a bit annoying to rechange the character to simply get the other one closer to the edge to make the swing.

But overall a very interesting and cute game.