Thanks for the feedback! I'll be sure to try and play test some variants to see what fits the game the best. Perhaps two variants of the bots one fast and one slow and then I can start things off easier like you're saying. I'll give some things a shot!
So the effect is achieved by combining four different parts: low-poly meshes, black and white textures ( with normals ) made in Substance Designer, pixelation, and a gradient that is sampled based on the brightness of the pixelated texture's pixel. I achieved the latter two by writing a custom render feature and queueing it "AfterRendering" to act as a post-process. There's some other tertiary things I added and changed to really sell the effect, but that's the basis of it :) I'd like to flesh it out more and then release it to the public in some form or another. I had to re-write almost half of it in the last hour to fix a build related bug in the custom feature, so it's not super stable hahah