Great concept! I like the premise but I think it wasn't fully explored. there was little to no explanation about combos or the numbers on the cards or how turns work so gameplay at the beginning was mostly just clicking cards and hoping something good happened. it wasn't until the end of the second boss that I stumbled upon my first combo ( Brock lee was a masterpiece btw). after that it was rather fun because I actually knew what I was doing. there's also a bit of tuning that needs to happen, especially on the time you have to pick cards because it was a so quick I barely had time to think.
the art was really cute and had a nice style so it was pretty cohesive. the audio was really good and helped with the cute aesthetic (except the wind attack sound XD)
So in conclusion, this is a really cute game and I had a great time with it once I was able to figure it out. keep up the good work :D