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I think the biggest that that this needs is some feedback for your selections - after you validate, the valid molecules are highlighted, and sound plays, some some numbers for profits would be good.

Also, it doesn't seem like nitrogen gas is a valid molecule. Definitely should also list ALL valid molecules on the side as post-it notes, rather than just those four.


Thanks for the feedback. I also agree that the game lacks sound design and some animations (like atoms vibrating the more they're unstable, some way to now which molecule is valid and how much profit you made with it, or how much time is remaining before the High Demand screen updates), it feel a bit "dead" without it.

As for nitrogen... It should have been a valid molecule, but I forgot to add it, same with isocyanic acid (H-N-C-O), my bad!

And for that last point, I don't want all molecules to be displayed at she start as post-it or in the game's manual, because it would be overwhelming. I want the player to discover some of them while they play using the High Demand screen. But I agree 4 is maybe a bit too low, I wanted to have 6 post-it initially, I just ran out of time to make them.

But when I'll complete the game after the jam, I'll be sure to update all of this and add some feedback!