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A member registered May 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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- Ah, right, the board doesn't NEED to be a rectangle! A cross shape could be the right direction, thanks!

- That's what I had in mind too when you talked about ways to manipulate the cycles, but that seems very hard to balance! Although now that I think of it... It could look like two little spirits (think will'o'whisps), one for each type of Mischief, so it dosn't visually overload the board. They could be placed randomly on an empty space after the second or third move, and work exactly as you described: land a piece on it, you either activate the Mischief, or accelerate it by one turn, then it reapears on a another empty space.
I'm not sure if it will work, but there is definitly some idea here.

- I wanted to do something similar by decreasing the range for the first cycle (like 2~4 for D/N and 5~6 for reversal). Fixed values can also work, but you lose the random side of the mischief, so I'll have to test around with different solution to see what works best.

Thanks for the feedback!

- Yes, that was something that bugged me out too! All pieces should be able to make the opening move, but I didn't see how to make it well because of the short time limit. I thought about a 4x4 board, but then the Sun/Moon wouldn't be centered, a 4x5 or 5x5 would leave too much empty space so it'd need a few more pieces, but that would require balancing, and so on... But now that the jam is over, I'll try to think about it more in depth!

- I'm not sure how that could be done... Still I kinda like the idea

- Day/Nights are on a 4~6 turns timer, and Reversals on a 5~7, so they tend to space out only after some time, and in fact I found this problem while playtesting myself too! Only problem is that I saw it too late and couldn't add a wider spacing for the first iteration, but I'm glad someone else is pointing it out!


Yeah, the AI really need some work, because without a good opponent, the game is way too easy :/ (butterfly rush OP nerf plz)

It's a bit difficult to play since it lacks some UI elements, and something like a "Restart level" option, but I liked it as a concept: building the stage while the player is progressing.

The pathfinding is not bad at all for only 48h!

Visually, it's not the best, but you can understand what's on screen, so that's what counts.

Good job! =)

I loved it! Really makes you want to catch those thieves as quickly as possible!

The visual design is pretty good, I really like the little robots! Audio effects and music also work wonders.

Great job! =)

It was a bit confusing at first, since there are a lot of different buttons and items on screen, but when you figure it out it becomes a very challenging puzzle game!

The last two levels were really difficult! But the curve was just enough to keep you both interested and not frustrated.

Visually, the style is good, but can be a bit too much for the eye and the platforms could use a shodow or borders to detach themselves from the bookshelves.

Still, great job, loved the concept! =)

Wooooaah, I love it!

Everything, from the visuals, the music, how the controls feel, the jump physics, the level design... The overall quality is astounding!

The only thing I can complain about is the fact that the text at the beginning fades away too fast, it's difficult to read it all. But apart from that, it is an excellent game!

Although, I have to ask: is the skip in level 15 intentionnal? Because if so, that's a clever shortcut! ^^
If not... You read nothing, I used 100% pure skill to pass it, nothing to see here!

Excellent job to the team! =D

Oh it's already over? I want more! D:

The concept is so stupid, but it works so well! The throwing physics work very well and make it fun to play. Would love to see more!

Good job! =)

I have to say, mark my words, that of all the different experiences I played and rated this far, this is definitely one of the game of all jams.

But jokes aside, for a  1 hour game, that's still something! I would have loved to see what a complete game with this concept would look like. ^^

I fell like after playing this, I could go join a medical school, spe. surgery, I earned it.

It is very hard to get to the end, but the concept is pretty interesting! The relaxing music help concentrate. But man, that ocean is trashy, poor fish would have died without our intervention :c

Good job! =)

I love the concept! The game is a bit hard to read sometimes because of the very blocky art style, but it's still a lot of fun!

The upgrades really feel like progress is being made, and I love the fact that one of them is just "Your bullet fires mini-bullets"!
They really make a difference on the battlefield... I mean, they would, if only the blue guy would shoot so I could see them in action, but that's too much to ask isn't it?! You're dying sir, SHOOT!!! D:

Great job! =D

The start is a bit confusing since nothing is telling you what to press, but after that little flaw, the game itself is very creative and fun to play!

I think the phe platforms would control better with the mouse rather than keys, but apart form that the game feels great to play, love the little comments from the knight ^^

Great job! =)

Man, that lack of tutorial really is brought up a lot, that'll teach me for the next jam XD

I planned one, but couldn't make it in time unfortunately... I'll add it after the jam, and be more careful about that, since it is very important that players are not confused about what to do to play.

Indeed, when the theme was announced, all the examples showed in the video were around the idea of "Existing concept but the bad guys instead", but that did note resonate with me: I wanted the reversal to be part of the gameplay, something that actively reverses during the game to challenge what the player took for granted.

Don't worry, you're not the only one complaining about the tutorial... (myself being the first :c)
It was planned to be interactive and the code was made for this in mind, but I couldn't make it in time... It will be added after the jam though!

Thanks a lot for the feedback! =)

Thanks, glad you liked it!

When the theme was announced, some examples were given that were more or less all "Existing concept, but you play the bad guys". To me, that would not have been very creative, and I really wanted to make something unique where the "reversing roles" part was part of the gameplay, an action happening during the game that challenges something that the player took for granted.

I mean, technically, you could be playing against the best player in the world! =D

But yeah, I wish I had time to code some basic strategies into it, like at least a way to avoid moving its Sun/Moon into a danger tile ^^'

From: Exylas
To: customer-service@friendlyunicorn.com

That's it, I'm deleting my account! SMH these lootboxes are rigged! I spent my whole income on them and I got every item in the game 12 TIMES and still NOT A SINGLE StabCrab!!! Probabilities don't work like that you lost a customer you scammers bye

PS: are preorders open for the new Galaxy Fights?

Honestly, I have nothing to say about any flaws: the game plays well, difficulty ramps-up naturally, UI is perfectly readable, the graphics work well, the story is very funny and my god the customers faces...

Excellent job to the whole team, one of my favourite games this jam! =D


Yeah, I knew that this wouldn't be for everyone, since you really have to think about your next move with the Mischieves in mind, so it adds a layer on top of the strategy.

But I'm glad you liked it nontheless!

Such a good mini-game! It really makes you want more, to expand the mechanics with other types of capturable objects or more complicated puzzles!

Visually, it looks really good! The little characters are so cute, and the story is pretty funny.

Excellent job to the team! =D

As you said, it is very buggy so I can't really do anything, but I see what you were going for.

The little ghost face on the painting when you hide inside it is adorable! The music and sound effects are very good too!

As a concept, it's pretty interesting. I would have loved to see what a more finished version would look like! So good job to the team! =)

Wow, this is hard! I've played a lot of deduction/puzzle games, but this one is really unique!

Visually, the style works very well! And the fact that you not only allowed every window to be drag and dropped anywhere, and made a functionnal note function, but also that you put the tutorial in the game very first menu... I can't rate below 5 on Presentation, it's executed perfectly.

This game may not work out for everyone because of the difficulty and the interface (basically button mashing, more different types of windows would be great if you ever update it). Personnaly, I loved it, great job to you! =D

Visually, nothing to say, the game is beatiful!

I tend to like little puzzle games like this one. Unfortunately, even downloading it did not fix the lvl2 bug, so I couldn't see the rest of it...

Still, great job, bugs happen, but I can see what you were going for! =)

Ooooh, I like it! The concept is pretty original!

Visual, it's great: you can easily see what's on screen, and the designs and colors are pretty!

Very good job! =D

Ahah, this is dumb, I love it!

The controls are very fluid, and the wacky style adds up to the overall goofyness. Simple concept, but very good execution, well done! =)

I LOVE it!
This is exactly the kind of very simple to understand yet difficult to strategize aroud experiences I like!

The UI is very easy to read, the visuals are coherent and their simplicity makes them look good together.

The only bad point is that the tutorial is a bit hard to understand, but that's really nitpicking considering what comes after is very easy to grasp by just clicking around and finding out.

Excellent job! =D

(1 edit)

The gameplay is very simple, but very addicting!

It's so nice to see what was just a small group of 5 fish turn into a shadowy monstrosity over time. It gets a little harder to control because the more fish there are the more likely they are to get separated and caught, but it's a good way to balance it out.

The music goes well with the little swimming animation.

The only three things that need an update:

  • Boat health is way too high: it takes forever to destroy them if your party is small, and another three or four round trips to sink a single small boat with a well-stocked school.
  • Add a mini-map or any landmarks to show where we are in relation to the final boat, as the moving waters make it very easy to get lost. (the island is a good start, but is more often off-screen than not)
  • Destroyed boats should give back the fish they caught (or at least some of them): it makes you want to get revenge on a fisherman to free your friends, and imagine the satisfaction when you finally destroy the final boat to see all your fallen comrades join you at sea to create the greatest school you have ever assembled! =D

But that's just my feedback, the game is still very solid, great job! ^^

(1 edit)

The number of times I accidentally ran over the poor froggies while trying to save them nooooooOOOO D:

This game is wacky and the physics makes it so satisfying to play!

Visually, it's also very cute! (5 stars just for the driver's hat)

There are other who did the "Reversed Froggers" idea, but this one really sets itself apart with its cute little story and fun physics, excellent job to the team! =D

Okay, if this game dosn't win an award for best audio, then the Jam is clearly rigged. u-u

Visually, the game has some flaws: bland asteroids (with seams in between the floor and bottom ones), red spikes in space, the blue and green doors' designs...

BUT! What it lacks in presentation, it more than makes up for it in gameplay! I really liked the bounce and hold mechanic, and the fact that you added a double time bonus for well-timed catches encourages you to get really good at it! There's also the different types of ships that shake up the experience ; overall it is a pretty well made platformer!

Only complaint: the camera has to follow more closely the jetpack astronaut, because level 2 has a huge leap-of-faith problem: once he launches himself to go through the blue doors, it's not really clear if he managed to pass or not, and we have no idea where it will fall.

Great job! =)

Oh, huh... Well, I have to say: I know about Shogi, but never played it. ^^'

Thanks to your comment, I dug around the games that inspired me for the jam, and they are themselves inspired by Shogi!
So it is not intentional on my part, but my game indeed has a lot in common with it, that's cool!

Other commenters have asked for a bigger board too, so I guess there really is something to do in that direction, I'll have to think about it.

Local multiplayer is coming after the jam! It was initially intended, but I put it aside since I figured most testers would be playing solo. The code is already made for it, it just needs concrete implementation =)

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot, I'm so glad some people are enthusiastic about the reversal since I wasn't sure people would like having the rug pulled under their feet: it works well if you like thinking around it, but not everyone is into deeply strategic games.

So the positive reactions mean a lot to me! =D

Thanks! There should have been an in-game interactive tutorial to help players grasp the rules better, sorry it couldn't make it ^^'
(I'll add it after the jam)

About the JS, small anecdote: I use it because being a Web dev originally, this is the only language that I actively work with, so it's always fresh in my mind, instead of having to learn a new one that would only be used very rarely and probably very badly, making it more of a disadvantage during an already short jam!
(PHP too technically, but not going to use that for a game :v)

I... I l-lost them all... I couldn't save a... Th-the s-screams... o7

There's a lot of "tower offense" this jam, but this is the first one I played where you directly control the troops instead of placing them! And the goofy group dynamic makes for a funny little experience!

The game does get very hard very fast, I couldn't get past level 5, but this is the kind of games where you just want to retry one last time, because it will different this time, I swear! (Narrator: But it wasn't.)

The visuals are a bit lacking, but the little story and gameplay make up for it.

Good job! =)


Another player commented about the possibility of a larger board, and honestly I'm all for it, but I have no idea how to balance it XD (will it need more pieces? Better timed mischieves? How large: like a chess board, or more of a small upscale, say 5x5 or 5x7? So much to think about! But a really good exercice in game design too)

(1 edit)


Post Jam, I intend to add a two-players local mode, rework a bit the UI (like: the counters at the left of the screen are just... there), and maybe make the IA a bit smarter so single-payer mode could be a bit more challenging

Holy hell, thanks a lot!

I love board games too, I really wanted to recreate the feeling of real piece and movements.

At first, it was designed as a two-players game, but it got changed since I figured testers would be playing solo. But I intend to add the two-players local after the Jam ; the code is already there for it, it just needs a bit more work ^^

Honestly, the dots are just a holdover from the time when the game was just plain without animations for maximum functionality and ease of debugging: I just needed any visual indicator to be sure my pieces behaved correctly, and it stuck when I started working on the design since it worked pretty well! =D

"Nevermind, you'll soon see your current mate pales in comparison to my greatness!"

Ever thought of serving goose burgers? Just an idea...

It's a very simple VN, but I like it! Not a lot to do, but the character art and the little story make up for it. You packed a lot of personnality into this poor minimum-wage employee! (her reaction with the good ending *chef's kiss*)

Great job! =)

Wow, I really like the concept!

You have to play both sides here, and remember not to screw yourself over too much since you'll have to do the opposite on the next run.

I feel like a slow-mo when placing the traps would be better since the scrolling is really fast, or maybe at least being told what trap you'll be able to place before the "evil" run begins, but apart from that loved the gameplay!

Visually, it has its style, I dig the forgotten forest vibe!

Super travail, j'ai beaucoup aimé ! =D

Oh my god, I never would have thought I'd see a P&F reference here, and not just any reference at that! XD

The concept of the game is really cool and so doofy! A bit too random to my taste since you don't really know what or where the inspectors are going to look into, but good fun nontheless.

The art style is really unique, and you can very easilly tell what's on screen.

Great job to the team! =D

It's a nice cozy game, very easy to understand and play ^^

The concept of being an NPC has been done a lot in this jam, but the graphics really give this one an identity of its own. You really feel bad for the adventurers when you learn that they failed the quest you gave them :c

Also, I know it might not be intentionnal, but the quests paper slips's physics are hilarious XD

Great job! =)

I've seen a lot of "Tower attack" concepts, and this one has a cool take on it!

Uprgrading ennemies at the same time as your troops means you have to think about cost and risks.
Here, there's not a lot of options, but I can really see how you could expand on the concept!

Still, for a short game, it's really entertaining and I like the troops' designs! Great job to you two! =D

It is a short mini-game, but it has a lot to offer!

The concept is really fun! You really have to nail the timing to avoid making the poor robot fall through. And the fact that its pathing is "random" at times (instead of the optimal collecting route) keeps you on your toes, since you don't know where it'll be jumping towards.

Visually, the style looks good, and it's very to understand what's going on, nothing to say!

Great work! =D