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This is actually a really fun idea; a kind of ghostly tug-of-war where you're having to consider both your own field, but the angle that your position is going to make your opponent travel through their field. That's really unique. That's solid.

Which is why the execution was a little disappointing for me. The big killer was light distribution; it became clear pretty early on that whatever system might have been present for balancing the lights on the ground just wasn't doing its job, and it resulted in several rounds where there was just no way for one side to win, including one where one side spawned with no lights at all!

Ultimately this isn't a bad problem to have; it's a problem that can be fixed through iteration and tweaking, rather than something being fundamentally wrong with the idea, but it's definitely a problem, especially since it's kind of the crux your game is built on.


Thank you.
I agree, it definitely was something we were aware of but ultimately decided to fix different problems.
However now that I've had a second to think about it, I'm mad because it would have been an extremely easy and quick tweak to make the spawning at least somewhat more polished.