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TwoSoulsView game page

A competetive Couch Coop game to enjoy with a friend!
Submitted by Mensch2134, Skeletrin — 18 minutes, 39 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 25 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Two Souls are bound together and get pulled together every few seconds.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing audio

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Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I had fun playing the game! You should maybe explain somewhere how the game works, but when you get it, you can really have fun with it.


There should be an accesible explanation on the games page. We tried to finish the game itself and unfortunately had no time for an ingame tutorial, sorry.

But that is nice to hear, thank you for your feedback! :)


Ups didn't saw that. Sorry °_°


A little tricky to understand the goal and I still never got why my ghosts were losing lives when I thought I was correctly placed on the map. But with some tweaks it could be more fun!


Yeah, sorry. The spotlight spawning and collision are surely a little buggy, we didn't have time to really polish the associated scripts. But there should be an explanation on how the game is inteded to work on the games page. 

Thank you for your feedback tho, we appreciate it!


At first, it was a little tricky to understand the goal, but once I got it, the game was a little too easy for me. It might have been more fun if the line wasn't there and the player had to use their judgement to make sure they wouldn't die, and/or add some different obstacles that do different things, like walls, or something that slows or speeds a character, etc. 

That being said, I love the art, and the concept is pretty interesting.


The idea is a good execution of the theme to have two playable characters, who are joined together and to make a coop game. Was fun to play!


That's a fun concept, congratulations!
Quite a fun game, but I took some time to understand the goal, or that it was a one versus one thing hehe.
Still, that's a very clever yet simple dispute mechanic! I loved it!


pretty neat game! was initially a bit confused though as I didn't notice any instruction as to what did or didn't make me lose a life, but I think I figured it to be the lights eventually (although I still sometimes lost a life randomly), and sometimes post switching a light would spawn on me and make me lose a life to no fault of my own. Pretty cool idea though! Could definitely see this kind of idea blossom into something cool! Might be interesting to see how this plays out as a 2 player game with a lower "bounce" timer and more stuff flying around!


Thank you! Actually there are instructions on the site. Without that, i get that it is not intuitive :D The light zone spawning is no way near to perfect, so i get what you are saying, sorry.^^

But thanks for the food for thought, stuff flying around actually sounds like a possible fun addition! And the game is already supposed to be a couch coop two player game :)


Awesome concept. My wife and I played a few rounds and were having lots of fun.


That's nice to hear, thank you!


Fun concept, and I love the little ghost sprites - so cute! Nice work!


The world needs more couch coop! Took me a sec to figure out how to play this game against myself but I think its well done. Definitely fun. ! Would love to have you check out our game. 


Interesting concept! Instead of randomly placing the spotlights, I think having them be 'designed' might have done the game better. Congrats on finishing the game and having a solid core mechanic!


Thanks! We reached a time limit at some point, where we wanted to do atleast some UI and the losing/winning so we just stuck with the "easy to implement" randomized approach and unfortunately had no time to work on a more "desinger friendly" method for spawning the spotlights. Thank you for you feedback!


I didn't understand the logic behind losing or winning. Sometimes we didn't even move and one of us lost the round, others we were both next to the light when the pull was suposed to happen and neither of us lost. The concept is quite cool, but the execution doesn't meet the expectations.


First, thank you for testing. I like that you were able to test it out as two, because we weren't able to playtest that...yeah, not ideal to make it couch coop then in the first place but anyway. 

I get your criticism, really. On the page we already mentioned, that the light zone spawning script is not ideal. I think we lacked a little experience in unity to really get that mechanic to a more or less polished state. 

Sorry to hear, that you had such an experience, we are here to improve!
Thank you for your feedback!


When I played there were times when I died Without being near to the center. Despite that it is a cool concept :)


Hey, nice take on the theme, and I liked the graphics and sound together. 
I didn't really understand at first what to do and died a few times, but after a few rounds I tried to come up with a strategy to beat the other side of me playing




This is actually a really fun idea; a kind of ghostly tug-of-war where you're having to consider both your own field, but the angle that your position is going to make your opponent travel through their field. That's really unique. That's solid.

Which is why the execution was a little disappointing for me. The big killer was light distribution; it became clear pretty early on that whatever system might have been present for balancing the lights on the ground just wasn't doing its job, and it resulted in several rounds where there was just no way for one side to win, including one where one side spawned with no lights at all!

Ultimately this isn't a bad problem to have; it's a problem that can be fixed through iteration and tweaking, rather than something being fundamentally wrong with the idea, but it's definitely a problem, especially since it's kind of the crux your game is built on.


Thank you.
I agree, it definitely was something we were aware of but ultimately decided to fix different problems.
However now that I've had a second to think about it, I'm mad because it would have been an extremely easy and quick tweak to make the spawning at least somewhat more polished. 


This is a very fun idea. Good job!


NIce game. It's fun.


I like that it's local multiplayer, it's fun, well done! :D