I've played trough the first 35 or so levels and while it is fine I do have one criticism: when playing on controller there is no way to adjust how fast the camera rotates and it does so so slowly that it makes several sections much harder that they would likely otherwise be. In contrast to how fast you sometimes have to make adjustments in direction (I'm thinking of corners near cannons) the camera movement is markedly too slow to the degree that there are several stages where I just sort of gave up on any camera adjustments and just tried to commit the stage to memory even though this required taking several blind turns. Even at places where I stop at a safe spot to rotate the camera 180 degrees it takes a few seconds to complete that half rotation which is a killer in a game where you are trying to hit a goal time.
Given that the mouse controls let you adjust the camera rotation speed I don't think giving the player an option to speed it up on a controller would be game breaking. This game is probably in a finished state but if you do revisit this concept in the future I would ask you to keep that in mind.
Anyways the rest of the game is pretty good!
EDIT: Started stage 37 which starts you facing the wrong direction. Since it has the timer I timed it and rotating the camera 180 degrees to actually face the stage takes between 6 and 7 seconds. That's basically a wasted minute every 9 attempts, which given it is an inverted controls stage means for me at least it takes numerous attempts. That's kinda bad.