I like the concept but there are some things that make the game a bit tedious to play.
I found it hard to follow the beat without looking at the board, especially at the beginning of the levels when there is only 1 tile in the grid, maybe put the grid in the direction of the objective could improve the readability of the game. Or maybe have a more distinct beat when the bar moves on the grid so I could count beats?
I found myself cheesing most of the levels because it is possible to activate the first tile then jump on it and get a new shot, repeat until the board is filled.
Otherwise, the game looks nice, I like the neon style aesthetic you went for which complement the bouncy music, good choices.
Also, the "tutorial" screen is pure genius, short but really showing by example, "Shoot the board, try to start with the yellow one" was all I needed to know to get started, well done!