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I like the idea of turning the endless runner to a "one line" or aging. Not sure if the actual game play for an endless runner works all that well. There are some clunkyness to the controls. I can't quite figure out what it exactly is. 

I agree with the comment that day / night cycle does not add up to the game play in any way. It only makes it hard to see the holes (maybe it's intentional, but not sure if it's fun for me).  Some of the obstacles are rotated in the way it's hard to understand and see the collision boundaries (e.g. car). In some endless runners you have really simple collisions and/or very high jumps so it's apparent that you can avoid them. Maybe implementing this would improve the game? 

Anyway, I think this worked pretty well as a game jam game without any bugs per ce. Good job and keep up the good work!


Thank you for your input!

I like your idea with really high jumps, that would probably be an improvement. The obstacles spawn with random rotation so there is no control over them, which means they kind of land a bit strange sometimes.