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A member registered Apr 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your kind words!

Great! Thank you for trying the game out! Yes, Firefox apparently requires nightly build to be able to run the WebGPU.

Any feedback about the game? Any suggestions how to improve it?

Thank you again for playing it!

Hey man,

This game looks and plays quite nice! Biggest first issue for me was the sound and music volume controls. They do not persists even inside the game. (I played the WebGL build)

For functionality I would wish that punch and kick would be on different keybinds and there could be then different alterations with combinations of key presses.

Good job! Looking forward for the progress!

Sorted out. Happy to have you onboard!

Hey all,

We are currently a team of 5 working on Unity trying to create a some kind of horror themed small game. We work in different time zones, US, Japan, Europe but are well organised with Trello and Milanote.

If you are a programmer and still want to join a team and do some jamming we could use more hands.
Let me know if you are interested. Don't hesitate to send a PM!


Hey man,

Can you send me a friend request in Discord? My handle is __morpheus__
We are now team of 5 and definitely could use your skills in modeling and tech art.

Looking forward hearing from you!

Hey, Yeah. That sounds good. How can I reach you out? My handle in discord is __morpheus__ if you can send me a message. 

Update: We are two now. One creative designer and one programmer. If you are looking for a group with good time and mature people,  we are happy to have more people. Specially artists, technical artists, sound engineers, more programmers. Let me know if you are interested.

Sorry, I can't see your friend request. This is my Discord handle "__morpheus__" (without apostrophes). Can you resend the request?


Hey community,

I am looking to create a team or join one for the Holistic3D game jam. 

My timezone is GMT+3 and contribution during the two weeks is a fluctuating one. I am working full time so my energy to put out stuff in the evening might vary, but weekends should be ok for me.

I am programmer by craft, can do shaders and simple 3d models, animation, tooling and systems. I am looking for an artist and / or a game designer and / or another programmer who has been working with Unity before. My only requirements for the person is to be mature (preferably an adult), friendly towards others and able to communicate and collaborate.

I am joining the jam to have fun, but do it still commit to it.

Let me know if this could be interesting to you.

Check my page for the games I have made recently (for Jams): 

Thanks for playing the game! Any suggestions how to improve it?

Hey SaintVoxel,

I am looking for a team as well for this jam. Is there any way I could contact you by PM:ing you somehow? I would like to have a chat if there's mutual interest in doing something :)

Cheers, PurpleXYZ

Thank you for the honest feedback! Yeah, unfortunately the instructions didn't have own screen in the game, just a mention in the game description. I need to add something in game as well.

Each projectile has a damage + damage variance and vehicles have a health bar, so while bullets do less damage they shoot more rapidly. And mines can destroy vehicles single shot. Do you feel this could be communicated better somehow? If so, any ideas?


Heh, you are correct. The difficulty curve is too steep and wasn't properly addressed on this entry. And you are absolutely correct. I will try to address that on the next version. How would you make the game more accessible and easy to get started?

Music will be added on the title screen as well. Maybe leaving the core loop without it, lets see.


Thank you for the kind words! I appreciate it a lot!
Is there something you would like to see improved? I will try to work on an update where I put stuff people have been commenting.

Have a nice day!

Good that you got a repro now at least! You do have a grid as a model where you either set the grid occupied or not and then moving the visual is built on top of the grid? I think that way it should be solvable quite easily. But then of course it means that you need to adjust the player movement against the grid if player can move freely. And still, in the grid solution if two neighboring cells are occupied the player can't get between and game is stuck. :)


Yeah, absolutely! For a game with a timing element it takes a lot of iterations to get the feeling right! But you are already on a good track!


Thanks for tying the game out and giving feedback! Yeah, I have received a lot of similar comments that the difficulty curve could be easier one. I agree with you on this!

Karma currently doesn't have any meaning other than a gimmick at the end to indicate some kind of score. Depends if I can come up with a use case for a meta progression  (or if I can come up with a meta progression at all),  it could be used as currency or similar :)

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, lives. It's true. It's very unforgiving now. :) I don't know why I didn't go with the lives, maybe cause I was too fixated on the Crossy Road where the progression happens even if you die. But in mine there's no real meta progression :D

Colliders should be in order. I just checked them all. Only the SUV collider extends to the back spare wheel. That I could move back to the hull of the car. I wonder if there's something else, or just the fact that it feels "wrong" to die to the end? I was thinking that maybe instead of dying to the back it could bounce back. 

I am going to implement similar thing like in Crossy Road where you hit the side the model gets squished, so also maybe the back could behave a bit differently! :thinking:

Thank you for play testing and providing feedback! I appreciate it a lot!

Ooh. Nice to hear about your ideas! When I was thinking of mine I was thinking to add also a drunkard who would need two sets of beer or something similar. Or an absolutist who would just drink water.

About resetting: Yeah, I am not sure what works the best, but I was thinking it could be more forgiving if it doesn't completely reset it. 

Great work! Cheers!

Thanks again! I was working on the train tracks, but had to drop them off due to timeline. And yeah, flamethrower was planned to be able to clean trees, but it was more complex to do. But I will add them both!

Hahah. Yes. You are correct! :D

All the best to you as well!

Cheers, PurpleXYZ

Thanks for giving it a go and thank you for your honest feedback! I probably need to look into the curve at some point. :)

No, it was not off the pathway. Here's the setup, so step 1:

And this is step 2:

So, I pushed the bottom rock to the right so it goes toward the second free slot, it gets pushed back on the track, but the 1st stone is ever stuck in the middle of the pathway, but I suppose in wrong position.

Hope this helps!

Hey team,

I have to say I am not familiar with the pokemon mechanics or gameplay. But roguelikes / lites I have played, so I get the gist of that!

There were couple of issues with the spawning and enemies. If you happen to die (there's no health indicator so not sure if it was death) game gets stuck. Same can happen if spawned enemies crawl on you, but they stack on top of you and you can't get rid of them, nor you do not die, hence you are stuck.

I like the 8-bit style and aesthetics of the game, but the top down with 3d models looked odd. I wish there was some camera control I could have for another view.

I didn't really understand how the choices I made with the progression makes me stronger and how that is reflected to the game. Except the was a bunch of other things (minions?) behind my back.

Good job on the game and looking forward to see where this can be taken!


Hey Amadeus56,

I really like your take on the Arkanoid genre! Even with the very simple elements and graphics this was an entertaining experience. 

The webGL build is a bit small on high res computer, maybe crank it up a bit? :)

One thing I didn't understand. Where you get more balls? Automatically or how does that work?

I would also change the difficulty curve a bit as the game becomes almost impossible very fast with over 10 hits per block rows dropping down fast! 

I am interested to see where you can take this with a bit of work on art and mechanics! Very good job!


Hey BitGamey,

Nice take on the snake genre! I really like the start screen how it looks ominous!

Game itself runs nice and works well. Eating the chomps, avoiding bombs and controlling the snake works well. I would suggest though couple of improvements:

  1. Lerping the snake head from coord to another. Now it snaps and it looks a bit unnatural in 3d. It does respect the original 2d design though which I like, but maybe it could work better with a lerp? 
  2. Camera distance. I would like to get a bit more overview of the game. Now it's a bit hard to plan where to go as you don't see the whole board. It might be intentional as well, but this is how I felt.
  3. Bombs can spawn on walls, but also having your tail on the bomb explosion radius doesn't do anything to snake. Maybe it should? Or only head? 

The music is spot on! Very pressing and giving the anxiety. Works well!

Very nice job on the game! Looking forward for some twist and additions to the game!


Hey SpectacularSingleton,

This is absolutely one of the better games on the Jam. The aesthetics and visuals are great. I can see there's a lot of time put into polish and making sure it feels and looks great.

Game plays really well with a tutorial and all! Very solid execution!

This would work really well in any platform and I would encourage you to take it further. The only regret I have is that there's no more levels and it doesn't really save my progress (which I know is out of the scope for a game jam game)

Awesome work! 


Hey team,

Nice take on the whackamole theme! I like the art style and the atmosphere in this game. It's nice to have a backstory and all, but the beginning could have been faster for my taste. (There's also some graphical glitch happening when the dialog changes, for few or one frame)

Actual game works pretty well, but I would try to work a bit on the depth checking of the player and the barrels. Now it needs to be "exact" otherwise player will not pour the oil. I feel this isn't working very well. I would either try to make the movement on a grid (with animation + movement) but so that the end points are always exact or then if you want to have a free movement, a threshold in which the pouring is possible. 

I like there's a speed up, but due to the accuracy issue above I feel it wasn't helping that much.

This is a great start anyway, looking forward to see where you take this idea!


Hey Heckert!

Seems like a good start of a project. Too bad there's no actual work after the training day! :D

I bumped into one bug on the training day as well. If you line up the stones on the crossing so that there's no space between, but push the bottom one to the right and to the goal, the one above it gets stuck and you can't progress from 2/3 at all. Only restart works.

I would be interested to see where this game develops in the future!


Hey unboxedentertainment,

I love your take on the "Space invaders" theme. I found the view angle a bit challenging though. It's easy to understand that the invaders come from above, but understanding the depth / distance to them is not. 

Movement and other controls work great. I like how much you have put effort on the different modes and difficulties.

Being an avid shooter player I feel there's something off with the hit reg. Or maybe the cross hair (did it have one) wasn't clear so that if I aim there I would hit the enemy. (projectiles do not have gravity, do they?)

I think this is an excellent take on a very difficult idea and I appreciate the effort you have put in. I am looking forward to see how it develops further!


Hey Sketche99,

Nice looking game with pretty good feeling controls on the character! Seems like a solid start for a game!

I am wondering what should I be doing though in the game. I can jump on the things (are those aliens with a mugger mask?!) and they seem to get killed, but not sure if that's what you are supposed to do. Killed counter starts at 20/0 and never changes. And I can't find anything else in the world that I could interact with. So, I am a bit lost.

One bug encountered: The instructions on the menu doesn't work. Can't get them to show up.

Anyway, good start for game!


Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate you gave it a go!

Yeah, good idea of the difficulty curve. You probably mean that it could be more easy on the start and get harder as you go? And upgrades on the chicken sounds an interesting idea! I will think how it could be done in this context!


Hey team,

I would like to congratulate on a solid submission to the jam! A very solid game without any encountered bugs or glitches.

The game works as expected and there's even a small tutorial. Well done! Everything works nicely and it's easy to play. Almost _too_ easy. I wonder if there would be a possibility to add some difficulty curve into the game? I played 7 days and it was a breeze. But of course, for a casual game it probably needs to be.

I wonder if the customers would leave if I waited too long to take an order? How about if I let the order stay on the counter too long? Maybe the customers aren't happy with a long service or cold food? I wonder if these type of things could be interesting to incorporate into the game? Also customers could have different types. Some are slower, some faster so the management part would be more important. Or possibility to buy more tables.

Anyway it seems there's a lot of opportunities to continue this game! Job very well done!

Btw: I also love the penguins! Very cute!


Hey Andrew,

I wasn't familiar with the type of game this was referencing to, but after reading the comments it's more clear to me now!

I like the simple setup of the board and how you have made different levels for this same board!

The game plays pretty nicely, but I also was having difficulties understanding the durability and what should I be doing in the game other than killing skeletons :) I think after few tries I understood the spawning, but why sometimes the items destroy and sometimes no? Is this intended or not? At least it could use some communication to the player so player could make a more meaningful choice(s).

Suggestion: Add an directionality indicator (an arrow?) so player knows where the knight would be launched. I wonder if it would make sense to prototype also different launch velocities? Maybe player by dragging could launch the knight faster? And with a shorted drag it would launch slower?

I like the art style and atmosphere in this one! I am looking forward to see how you take this forward!


Heheh! Great! Good that you like it! This is a game based on Frogger and the likes, e.g. Crossy Road. And eventually a mash up Crossy Road and Rambo, First Blood.

Yeah, I don't have an android emulator either. I could install bluestacks, but for this machine I really can't right now.

Hey guys,

A city builder! Well, this is an ambitious take for a game jam! Love the courage though! And well, to be honest you have some mechanics already there on which the game can be expanded on!

I just read that some of your developers got sick and I can relate to this. Mechanics wise the game is missing a lot so it would be a good game play experience, but like I said, the ground work has been done!

Problem for me was that I was greeted with a bunch of build options(?) on the menu, but without a tool tip or building panel it's really difficult to know the specific purpose of the building. Maybe the game already starts with one selected and I was painting something on the grid which I didn't know what it was. Probably it required electricity, but not sure how to get that either :D

Heckert mentioned the difficulty in placement. I agree. This need a bit iteration so it would feel natural and good.

I suppose ultimately there would be pedestrians, car, and the city would feel alive, right? Now that (purpose) was also missing.

Love the music! Nice and very good feeling in it!

Suggestion: I would redesign the indicator on the ground. The effect on it makes me feel I am not placing / drawing things, something else.

Anyway, looking forward to see where you take this game! Good luck! 


ps. Camera needs control over rotation! :)

Hey Carvin,

Nice take on the hedgehog theme! Game plays pretty nice! It's easy to get around and do jumps and rolls. I would love to see how the different movement states (on walk, on roll) would have a game play related relevance. Now you only move faster on rolling, but there' no enemies or obstacles you can reach better.

I also collected 19 rings, but game kept playing and either I didn't find the last one or then there isn't any. It could be nice to get some kind of progress or level change with all rings collected? I know it's a big ask for a game jam, but maybe you can continue on the game?

Nice game though and keep up the good work!


Hey Hulya,

I absolutely love the idea! I have been playing with the idea of Tapper with myself occasionally but never tried to have my take on it.

The visuals on the start are amazing and very inviting! The music is spot on to the theme. I feel like I am in old Paris! I gotta love the menu entry for setting the music loudness as well. Very inventive!

Actual game plays pretty nicely! The movement of the bartender works okish, but you can go out of the bounds for instance. 

And there's bugs. A lot :) Unfortunately this ruins a bit the experience of the game for me. You probably know quite many of them, but I will list few I encountered:

  • Animations don't reset to their intended state. Bartender can be "running" when game starts.
  • When the game initially is launched it proceeds to a weird game like state where it's playing but the menu is on top. If you then click start, the game starts but menu is on and you can interact with menu while core loop is running.
  • At the initial menu, you can move the bartender even if he's invisible but the spotlight on the game object still moves with it and shows the movement.
  • On the initial launch when starting a game, there's no customer at all. They don't spawn. So you need to quit and restart so that the game will run properly. (going to pause and back fixes issue)
  • Bartender can move out the "reasonable bound", through walls etc.
  • Sometimes the customers start to move away from the bartender even if there was no drink served. This relates usually to the start of the game after another run.
  • Game can start bartender with a partially filled drink on their hand. After a unsuccessful run.

I played this quite a bit and it's very unforgiving. As a suggestion I would add "lives", e.g. indicated by empty glasses or dunno. And having e.g. 3 fails before game is over. Or with the cash earned you could buy up to three glasses if you break them?

I also like how you have put the colors on the customers and drinks. This is a very fresh idea to me, but it also makes the difficulty to go up. I wonder if there could be a difficulty setting where the amount of colors would go with the difficulty?

Lastly I feel the filling of the drink a bit problematic. If it gets interrupted by movement, I need to start a new. I wonder how it would feel if you continue with the same color you would be filling where you left at? And if you would start another, then it would just start from beginning?

Anyway, some really nice take on the theme! I think after fixing some of the issues this is a really neat and well made game! Congrats!