Thank you for this review, I really worked hard on the pixel art so I’m glad that a lot of people like it. But I’m a solo developer so while most of the pixel art is mine, not all is.
Ground tiles, grass, bushes, animations are all mine, trees were a pre-made assets (I will link all of them when I get home, big thanks to those artists for filling in the gaps). I hope that next time I can team up with someone and create all the assets in the game.
As for the long cool down, there is a under explained feature in game for this: Em can pickup skeleton remains and cut that time down, you do this by standing on a skeleton bones and pressing [c] key
There was a plan to have Em and Warrior do different tings, but I ran out of time in the end :/ Same goes for effects and music, it kills me that I didn’t have time to include them..