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A member registered Jun 13, 2020

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Not a whole lot to say here. The fairly basic "you control two characters" idea is made more interesting by having an item that reverses one character's controls. Gameplay feels and sounds and looks good, although it can be pretty tough. Would have loved to see the concept explored with more interesting levels. Great art.

The included tutorial is something not many games manage to pull off this well - every interaction is clearly explained and demonstrated in very little time and in few words. Delightfully done.

Controlling two characters at once is a pretty basic idea, but it's executed really well here with the two characters being given different abilities and great level design complementing those ideas.

Very nicely done! This feels like the image of a good jam entry for this theme.

This was a ridiculously ambitious project for anyone to put together in the confines of a jam, and I think that ambition show some serious cracks. The various bugs and awkward pieces of gameplay were pretty distracting. Having a more substantial or satisfying dash would help quite a bit to make the game feel better to play.

That said, everyone's praising the art for a reason, it pairs amazingly with the music and story, and it looks incredible on top of that. The small snippits of a story we get are bittersweet and lovely. The areas that managed to get polished like the title screen and menu animations and such are really well put together.

This is a very brave and very good jam entry, props to everyone involved!

The presentation of this game left a fantastic first impression, it's clearly top-notch. The art and music is lovely, and how the hell did you manage to put together that opening cutscene within the time frame? Nicely done!

I like the ideas at play here. Engaging different pieces of the controls in order to make the spaceship work is neat, and the concept is I like that the shooting module also takes a slot, you need to be careful how you use the pieces at your disposal.

Unfortunately, I'd say the cool idea isn't spectacularly fun in its implementation. Moving around is clunky, it's stressful and difficult to simply get where you want to go, and it's easy to make mistakes.  I definitely enjoyed my time with the game, but lost patience on the level introducing the enemies to shoot. Being a cool idea doesn't make it less awkward and frustrating.

That being said, there's the seed of a great idea here. The challenge will be making the movement mechanics difficult and unique while also being fun, which seems to be a very tough design problem. This is a solid entry with plenty of potential to build on. Well done!

You're absolutely right about the beat one thing. I can only attribute that to tunnel vision. We wanted the character to get the first move on the first beat, implemented the systems, then just didn't realize we had the beats wrong until the game shipped. That'll happen.

We had a bunch of ideas for more things to do, more enemies, more pressure somehow. We were working on an enemy that fires a laser across a room, had all the art and everything, but the laser just refused to properly interact with anything so it needed to be cut. Maybe after some rest we'll come back and play with it some more. Some kind of forced movement, or a penalty for missing the beat might do a lot of good.

Thanks for playing, and for the kind words!

The artist deserves to be full of themself, this is really nice for a project with so much time pressure!

The bugs and overall jankiness are certainly the biggest issue facing the game. Some stuff is endearing, like the chain crazily stretching or launching yourself into the air by pressing against a wall and mashing jump, but they do sometimes make things awkward to control or leave one character totally off-camera.

A more robust tutorial would have also been lovely. It wasn't hard to figure out, but it certainly wasn't clear.

The idea is a lot of fun, and the mechanics of tossing the bomb back and forth feel natural and interesting! The character's body types and abilities work really well together. The level design was occasionally awkward or obtuse, but generally presented interesting challenges.

Also, your itch page is fantastic. That sort of playfulness makes me feel good about your game before even downloading it.

Great work here!

The artist deserves to be full of themself, this is really nice for a project with so much time pressure!

The bugs and overall jankiness are certainly the biggest issue facing the game. Some stuff is endearing, like the chain crazily stretching or launching yourself into the air by pressing against a wall and mashing jump, but they do sometimes make things awkward to control or leave one character totally off-camera.

A more robust tutorial would have also been lovely. It wasn't hard to figure out, but it certainly wasn't clear.

The idea is a lot of fun, and the mechanics of tossing the bomb back and forth feel natural and interesting! The character's body types and abilities work really well together. The level design was occasionally awkward or obtuse, but generally presented interesting challenges.

Also, your itch page is fantastic. That sort of playfulness makes me feel good about your game before even downloading it.

Great work here!

The time crunch is tough, for my game I was basically exclusively working on assets while my teammate did the code, and we still nearly ran out of time. That might be because we have a habit of our ambition outstripping our skill, but that's besides the point...

In any case, it's honestly a pretty major accomplishment to ship anything in the first place, especially something that looks this good.

Feel like the connection to the theme here is tenuous at best. Having a finished game at all is impressive, for sure, but the ideas on display could use work.

That being said, for a platformer starring a black block, this is pretty fun. I like the different challenges for each room that require you to take different approached and play in different ways. The green room is downright evil though, it's got a bad habit of unceremoniously chucking you back out the door!

If there's one thing I definitely like, its the ability to jump even when in the air. It feels forgiving and fun to work with.

Unfortunately my lower-end hardware really struggled with this game - I encountered some issues that I didn't see anyone else mentioning. There's a game-breaking bug early on, where after getting to the first pillar I got stuck and couldn't do anything. There's cool ideas and a lot of neat art here, kind of sad I couldn't explore further!

I'm going to join the chorus of people praising the art - did you really make all the trees and ground tiles and enemy animations within the jam? That's ridiculously impressive!

The long cooldown to wait for the warrior to be available is kind of painful, especially since the default character is so slow and has no abilities. Maybe the main character could be fast and agile, so you run around dodging enemies until the slower but powerful warrior becomes available to wreck everything?

Aside from that, game feel could definitely use more work. The animations and visuals are great, but I would've loved some sound effects and visual feedback for getting hit or landing hits. Some music would also be nice to make it feel a touch less barren. It wouldn't take much to make this great-looking game feel great.

Great work on this entry! I had fun exploring it.

This is definitely the most well-presented game I've played so far. The music and art are both downright fantastic, it all fits together so nicely and feels good to interact with.

The ideas at play are pretty interesting. The slider-puzzle-platforms are somewhat novel and you get a good deal of mileage out of them for puzzles.

There's quite a few small things to pick at, which is really just nitpicking for such a detailed entry to a game jam. Stuff like the overall slow pace of the game (especially the delivery drones), the inability to face a different direction without moving, and some puzzles requiring you to interact with stuff that is currently off-screen are all definitely issues. But like I said, that's nitpicking. This is a high-quality entry you should be proud of.

Thanks for playing!

Thank you!

Thanks! Since our last game jam project was submitted with no tutorial and extremely hard levels, we decided to work hard to avoid the same problem this time around. I definitely agree there's unmet potential and space for refinement - ideas for the future, perhaps?

This is the first idea for this jam that really blew me away. The mechanics for this game are so simple, smooth, and genius. Shooting faraway enemies keeps you safer but makes it really difficult to maneuver, while shooting close enemies keeps your group small and manageable but requires you to get up close and personal with the enemies, while the shorter chains make you die faster. Keeping the camera on the gun is smart, and leads to a great "oh shit" moment when the gunner dies and you frantically need to get someone else to pick it up. Needing to keep shooting enemies as the chain you've built up slowly dies off is a great way of adding urgency to the game. The gun flies between your characters at just the perfect speed to feel great and add a meaningful delay to the game.

Damn this game's design is so smart. 

All this game needs to be truly excellent is some kind of more tangible goal and polished graphics. Fantastic work here.

Makes sense that this was compiled on high settings - I'm running a slightly clunky laptop and everything felt a little off. On the other hand, it looks great!

I had a number of bizarre control issues, which were probably my biggest gripe with the game. Movement felt fairly imprecise and unresponsive, resulting in me crashing into plenty of furniture I really don't think I should have hit. I also encountered a fairly major bug where trying to move quickly by rapidly hitting the movement keys would result in me taking damage in the real world, even if there was nothing around. Perhaps these issues stem from my low-end hardware, but they're issues nonetheless.

My difficulties playing the game aside, this is a delightful project.  The concept is simple but creative, and the visuals sell it really nicely. I especially appreciate the bright fantasy VR colours and the drab 'real world,' as well as IKEA spawning new furniture. The arrow indicators are solid, the balancing act between paying attention to the arrow patterns and knowing where is safe to move is challenging, and it's just a good time.

Great work on this one! A similar idea came up when brainstorming with my jam partner, and in an alternate universe our project looks a lot like this.

This is a solid game. Small in scope and just clever enough to be interesting. I played this alone and really enjoyed dividing my attention between the two roads, there's enough obstacles to make it frantic without making it too difficult.

Presentation is clearly the biggest area for improvement. The flickering is an obvious problem and really uncomfortable to look at.

I'd also add that some kind of feedback for your actions would really take things up a notch.  Stuff like a visual and sound effect for turning, crashing, starting the game, and whatever else would do wonders to make this game feel as fun as it can be. It'll also avoid issues like when I was sitting there wondering why there were so few obstacles, when in reality I hadn't started the game yet.

While those details would help a lot, all in all, I had fun. Good work!

First of all, top-notch presentation. This game looks and feels excellent, and the sounds and music fit very nicely. There's a decent amount of good humour in here too!

I feel like we need a little more direction (get it? movies?) on how to play. I saw that some word bubbles made things cheaper and others more expensive and others just fit the theme, but I'd love a little more in-game feedback as to...what does what, and what I need to do. As it is, I never managed to get my movies accepted.
Great work on this one!

I'll repeat what everyone else said about this one and say that the game needs a little bit more feedback - a health bar and some kind of indication you got hit would do wonders. 

Aside from that, I definitely enjoyed my time with this one. Basic top-down-shooting fun, and this leaves me wanting more in a good way.

Looks like there's a really cool idea here somewhere, which didn't quite come to fruition in the limited time. Next time, I'd love a tutorial or some kind of guideance, I liked being able to personalize my team from randomized recruits but couldn't figure out the battle system. 

Also, nice work on the sprites, they have a ton of character

I really like the ideas that went into this game, switching attacks uncontrollably has a lot of potential for further development. The lack of feedback really hurts the experience, things like attack animations and sound effects would do wonders for the game's playability.  I'd like to see this expanded on!

Short, sweet, and super cute. I appreciate all the different responses, there's a surprising amount of stuff here.