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I'm very excited for the game, but I'm having a slight issue;

I can't seem to save the game. I don't see an option for it, and when I've quit, it's said if I go to the main menu my game will be saved, but then it... isn't. It just doesn't show up in the loading screen. It's a good thing I found that out before I got particularly far.

Another issue is I've turned on the kickstarter characters, and the rollback option in the options menu, but nothing seems to change. I tried with the choice hints too. It says it's been chosen but I still can't roll back to see what I've missed.

I'm on a Mac. I'd appreciate to know what I can do to fix this, as I'd really like to play!

Rollback and hints have started working now that I've restarted the game, but I still genuinely don't see an option for saving the game anywhere, which is worrying me. The quicksave I have seems to be only one, from a while ago, and I can't find any way to click save, though I can see the loading screen and all the empty, waiting slots. The help button doesn't seem to indicate any saving method that I can see.


Hey there! Thanks for the feedback! You can actually also save by exiting the game to Main Menu, but this isn't really properly stated in the game. We wanted the game to save when you directly exit the game too, but there were some problems that we couldn't fix in time for launch. We'll try to do something about the issue in a future patch if we can figure it out.