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Nice game!
I didn't understand the mechanics at first, it took me a while, but after that I had a lot of fun, it's a quite challenging puzzle game!
I hadn't seen that kind of mechanics before, it surely has a lot of potential!

Thank you for the comment, I was worried the game was bad since no one commented on it.

Nah, the problem I think is there's no way to know how the game actually is without playing it, since there is no screenshot of it, no gameplay or anything, just an image of two arrows which don't really make you understand much about the game.
Sadly if someone views your game on the home screen, next to 10 other games which have screenshots and good thumbnail, it's simply easy to skip it.
I'd suggest putting at least some screenshots, or maybe a gameplay gif, as the game is actually quite good looking!

Oh, I didn't consider that, I'm a bit new to showing my game but you are right I should put some screenshots.

Yeah I'm trying to figure out these stuff too, it's my first game jam.
If you go on the game's page you should see the Analytics section, there's a stat called "7d impressions" and as far as I understood it represents how many people viewed your link without clicking.
That way I figured out it's probably one of the main reasons why games don't get many views, so you need an appealing thumbnail and a good presentation page (so screenshots, gameplays and stuff like that), because if you have 10-20 games on the page you don't watch all of them, you open only the most appealing ones (may it be the thumbnail, the title or something else).
Try to think about how you chose games in these situations, what makes a game appealing among the masses to you, things like that, and start working out from there.

Good luck! :)