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(1 edit)

I found a bug

When I went to level up from HR 35 to 36 (at Nocturna), my max HP and SP declined.

I was at 3825 HP and 1525 SP (I was planning to shred Dorian once I hit 5K HP and 2.5K SP) but trying to level up to 36 HR knocks my HP to 2385 and SP to 1038.

Fortunately I saved before I went to level up, so I was able to reload the save, but now I have all this material to level up with that I can't use.

I'm going to see if the same bug exists when I try and level up with Maahlda at the Castle.

Edit: Yup, same issue both places

It's not really a bug. Mila's Max level is supposed to be 35 and I adjusted the stats only to that level. If you go beyond that, it will reset to the default stats.


Only 35?  That's not right

The limit should be at least 50  (although personally I feel there should be no limit, let players make her as highly ranked as they can), personally I want to be able to take out the bosses with one hit.

the level is still being adjusted for the final version.

That's good, hopefully in the final there are no caps