The idea of the game is interestingly smart and I can see how it fits with the theme. I can play until level 3 only haaaha I think I don't understand the rule/concept fully. Maybe if there is a tutorial or instruction, I can enjoy it more. Also when I'm in Level 3 a few times, there's the 3 options (beam, surge, hook) but i tried clicking every single one and there is no response. I don't know if I did it wrong or what. Another one is the box of 'End Turn' overlaps with the main menu when I was done with Level 2. About some words, I'm not sure what they are haha (activing,beamoliths, surgeant)
As for the music and the sound effect, pretty nice. It gives a 'panicky' mood haaha and I like the characters movement. Also, good binary joke. Didn't expect to learn it here hahaah.
Anyway, Interesting Product kingoftheconnors :)