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They would ruin the profit of the game when releasing the source code, people could just download it and compile a version of their own....

Though I'd like to see a level editor, maybe even some modding options later on 


Honestly how many people (even techy people) have the patience/knowledge to compile source code?

They could quite literally lose near-zero sales if they were to do so but I'm curious why there's such a movement on itch that demands indie devs to open-source their work.  Game devs are under ZERO obligation/requirement to open-source anything for any reason or no reason.

I'm a huge FOSS advocate but I am also much more respectful about it than most people do.  The dorks being rude about it give all of FOSS a bad impression.  :(

That said, I am happy the devs have contributed as much as they have to open-sourcing portions of the game and engine.

The sad reality is that the majority of these open-source releases tend to be used/abused/plagiarized by other companies/competitors more than they benefit the actual FOSS community.  I don't blame any dev that chooses to keep things close(d) to the source ;)


I compiled sourcecode myself to save 15 € for Aseprite. But it's pretty much the only Software I know that uses this specific combination of Open-Source and paid.

Agreed though, code is intellectual property, and as much as I appreciate Free and Open-Source Software, if someone doesn't want to share something they've put hours of work into in for free, I fully respect that.