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I haven't finished the game yet but I'll tell my views,both the good and the bad.

First things first,fabulous game. The animation is extremely sick,I am genuinely impressed by how much work you put in it. The story seems good too and the characters have good design.

As for the bad part,its not really that bad. I might as well be minority here but I'll state my views regardless. The music that plays during an h-scene is extremely cringey and off putting. Again,this isn't a big issue,you can totally ignore it because I doubt many people are bothered by it but it is what it is. I mute my game everytime that music starts I just can't stand how cringe it is.

So,the only problem I had isn't even that big of a deal,the game is great regardless.

Haha, well I'm glad you're enjoying the game despite disliking the h-scene music. I hope you have fun with the rest of the content, too :)