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There's only one file to download. By the tags it claims to be for Windows, Mac and Linux, yet the archive only contains the Windows build...

I built myself a native Linux version but when I start it I only get the login page, then it claims to connect to the server but fails. (That may be my network, though...)

You're right! I forgot to update, my bad... I just added the V1.4 builds for all platforms. You should have no problem with connections as far as I'm concerned, but tbh I've only tested on Windows :1 Anyways, thanks a lot for trying the game and pointing out the missing builds :P

(1 edit) (+1)

Unfortunately the last commit on github is V1.2

The Lobby screen definitely needs a logoff / quit button

The map view was jittering which made it really hard to look at

At some point turning into one direction hits a dead end and you have to make a full 360° the other way round.

It definitely needs gamepad input and some documentation about the keys/buttons. I'd recommend having the left thumbstick for movement (as it already is by default) and turning the view around could be done with the shoulder buttons.

When the timer ran out (love the additional sound effect near the end!) and the result screen was shown, the game kind of froze; at least I couldn't get back to the lobby screen...

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You’re right! Updated it to V1.4.

Thanks for your honest feedback. We’ll will take into account all the suggestions and bugs you pointed out for future revisions of the game. I’m wondering though, what do you think about the gameplay idea?

As for the “freezing”, yeah, the game has no restarting mechanism rn so you have to manually restart it :/ We know it’s annoying but we ran out of time :(

I'd think the gameplay idea has a solid core, with some refinement,bug fixes, and necessities such as the restart it could become a solid indie title...