Thank you for your very honest comment! Definitely need to do a rework of the jumping, I will definitely be doing that. As for being the right genre, I don't know if there's really anything inherent to the platformer genre that makes it so I can't tell this story in it. I think the spiky ball works pretty well as a metaphor for that emotional baggage, so if the shoe fits, I say wear it. If you have anything in particular that makes you think the story doesn't fit the genre, I'd love to hear why you think that! Thanks again for your comment!
No, there isn't anything inherently wrong with platformers, I just think that the genre is overused as the "default template", so to speak, whenever a game developer wants to tell a story. It's like Mario has made everyone believe that every aspect of human condition can be expressed with timed jumps. :-) ...which is not a criticism of you or your game, just a general video game culture observation and a pet peeve of mine.