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And so begins a bitter rivalry...

I really like the direction you took this in! I had considered having the tetris and platforming be simultaneous , but thought it would be too chaotic. However, you made some really clever design choices that made it work tremulously well, particularly with the controls! Stuff like only having one rotate button and not having a hard drop and having the player continually shot instead of shooting with the button simplified things just enough to make controlling two different game types manageable!

And the artstyle is fantastic! Definitely out did me in that category. It's simple, cohesive, and most importantly it feels complete!

So you've arrived...

First of all, thanks for playing!

Let me even out the playing field by saying that I had to cheat a bit with the tetris part of the game. I flat out used kinematic bodies for each block, so I couldn't really program it the way tetris goes. (Rotating real fast near the floor or edges can make them overlap and stick, I am quite unsure how to fix it. Also let me be honest, I still have no idea how to code in the hard drop) . I had an early version of the game where you did a whole lot of things manually (for example, the shots followed your mouse) that was just even more chaos. 

I'm really glad hearing people liked the art. Fixing up how the game looks was the very first thing I did when I finally thought of this idea for the jam, so I'm happy it turned out well.


Interesting approach to use kinematic bodies! That's actually pretty clever way to save some coding time for a jam.

I have no idea what the "normal" way is to code Tetris, but I just used a 2d array of simple struct objects that I just had a few attributes representing each cell on the game board. And then from there is was just a matter of having positions correspond to those cells and basically moving blocks around on them.

I'm sure there's lots of places where my code was needlessly complex, but I think it got the job done.

Also! On the GMTK stream today I found a new competitor! They took it in a totally different direction, but it's the core idea of Tetris blocks building the level for a player.