Nice design, polished game and really good mechanics. It is fun to play I like it, the only thing I can say is that the cursor labyrinth slows down the dynamics of the game.
Hey EZaki! Thanks for giving ours a go! Yeah we couldn't get the soul to stop sticking to the walls xD we figured out out later, but by then it was too late to update the file lol I agree with the labyrinth stopping gameplay when all I find myself wanting to do is go go go!
Totally understanding you. I submitted my game 1 minute, 15 seconds before the deadline :D and I didn't noticed my awful "last ship" bug :D It is too weird that we are talking in our games comments simultaneously :D
xD You aren't wrong! lol yeah we did the first build like an hour and a half before so we could all try to play and check for any bugs, and ended up uploading two more times with the last one being five minutes before the deadline xD