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Day 6 (Saturday)

No itchio page yet since I spent my time adding some content and fixing bugs. The game is still stable, but I lost a good couple hours to one particular circumstance where the game would ignore user input and effectively freeze. Kinda annoying. It's fixed though. Two other major accomplishments for today. I got the resource management part mostly working, and it's good enough that I could leave it as is for the final project. The second accomplishment was adding a better level generator. It now uses pieces of pre-constructed layouts to arrange content. This makes it easier to create lots of variations of simple traps without the whole level feeling too samey. There may be some of that already though, so I may probably adjust it by shrinking the levels a little bit.

Tomorrow is some basic polish on the UI, add instructions, and whatever extra content I can fit in. It's not as complete as I would have liked, but I'm content with it. Below is a screenshot of the beginning, where you start off at a base camp with other explorers. My test explorer dies really easily and has no equipment to speak of, so I can make sure those parts of the game work properly.

The only thing I'm really disappointed in is how slow the game seems to run. I think that's just a problem with HTML5 games, and lack of using WebGL. It's not something I'm going to fix though (this is a turn-based game after all).