Like others have mentioned the aesthetics and overall design and quite good, and the feel of weight is captured really well, but, with no real way to judge arc or force it's more of a challenge of repeating shots and levels over and over until either you get lucky or you memorize angles and shot strengths, the shot strength meter also seems maybe inconsistent? Definitely, the overshot strength is a bit odd where the meter is filled up but still charging, the sound effects work properly so maybe just a UI issue?
This game really does capture a golf feel, with the whole planning your shots and sort of "par" system that limits how many you have, be an arc indicator, freeing up how many shots people can take but scoring them based on how many it took, I'm not quite sure, but, I feel there needs to be something to help with the feeling of randomness you have when you launch a shot (though really just fixing the UI of the charge and perhaps making the charge a bit more linear would go a long way).
Overall I still had a ton of fun playing it and again the aesthetics are great, it'd be cool to see this taken further, whether more in the "golf" direction or even diverting to a different kind of puzzle system, perhaps at some point manage multiple of these launched weights? Anyway, it's a solid entry, nice work!