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Really good game, I like that you modified and made project boost your own. Very nice improvements on it. I played it on my live stream tonight and if you wanted to check it out for the feedback you can see it here 


Wow thank you so much!!! especially for the video!! 

It's the first time I participate in a game jam, and also my first chance to see someone, other than my family and friends, play through the game I develop, so it's very meaningful to me. I was so exciting and nervous when I watched the video haha, and really appreciate for you and your viewers' feedbacks! They are very encouraging and helpful! 

Also sorry for the files and setting part, I saw that it took you quite some time to make the game play work, thanks a lot for your patience! I'll learn to upload it in itch and check the scale. Again, thanks for all these things :)))))


Good job, thanks for watching