the Linux build seems to be missing files:
4.24.1-10757647+++UE4+Release-4.24 518 0
Disabling core dumps.
Project file not found: ../../../Forgotten/Forgotten.uprojectExiting abnormally (error code: 1)
Tell me if there's any way I can assist you or give some feedback to make it work, if you want or need it.
In the mean time I tried the windows version through proton (Valve's compatibility layer). There are some graphical glitches and the controls are a bit inconsistent (especially when switching camera angles) but I could make it through with a gamepad. The camera angles are quite on the nose sometimes haha. A guy turning slowly into a girl I guess is a fantasy that can speak to me ¬‿¬
Nice job. Polishing it a bit more would be lovely.