it's really tiring for me to do a lot of braining in a row, so i it kinda took me 3 day-long breaks to finish this game, but i did it! \o/ and i really enjoyed it! it looks and sounds very playful +having a lo-fi hip-hop radio is always great! just the idea of i's being produced, flipped and merged, to create complex words is super exciting to think about :D my favorite thing was creating little departments that created essential parts for a group of letters and then combining and twisting them to get the entire word :D
though it was really frustrating trying to figure out x's and t's (and even n's in the end, i always ended up getting z's), so maybe have some hints on the store page? or in the game? because a lot of the time i felt like i'm in a deadend and there is nothing i can do to progress any further. (which is maybe partially why it took me so long to finish the game)
anyways, really exciting stuff! definitely one of the potential winners! would be really interested in playing a more "full" version
ps. with each ? we stay further away from god