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There is absolutely nothing to like about the main character at all. I hate everything about him and especially the way he speaks to women and treats them like meat.  I think at this point, the branching paths are pointless and pretty much feel like to me they lead to the same things.  The MC has no idea how to keep his mouth shut.  Why doesnt he defend ashley against her sister? no instead has to blab blab blab everyting.   Can you please sort the main character out...and give us the option if we want to blab or not..and give us more conversation options too and more sex scenes.  I would like to see sam and especially the sexy ashley be able to be love interests of the MC if he wants that. I mean we have a terrible back story with sam at the beginning, and we learn why ashley is like she. I am sorry but you want us to invest time and emotions into trying to date either of those girls...and all we get is a big smack over the head for doing so, because ultimately it will never be possible....while you keep trying to force emily on to us.   I feel like i wasted hour after hour upto chapter 8, and reading with bewilderment at the lack of any real human emotion.  Was this vn written secretly by a feminist or something, because honestly because the guy is simply not believable in any way, except exactly in the way of a feminist would think...and believe me, the more i played this as the mc, the more insulted I became.   You need to make changes to the mc urgently, i mean he is with emily, and he is playing the field right in front of his girlfriend? and thats another need to sort out the way the women behave, react and talk, because apart from sam and ashley, the rest are simply unbelievable at all, which completely ruins the immersion factor completely. mc you need to stop speaking like a dickwad all of the time.  show some respect to the women your with, unless your giving us multiple choices in the story to do so.  she he eye up women with his with his love interests?  give us the choice instead of forcing that shit on to us.  make the mc believable, not the current way he is.   he is annoying as fuck, and needs massive work, and quite frankly so does the storyline too, its all over the place. I love sam and ashley lovely girls, and they feel real to me in a sense in the way they speak, react etc, the rest do not, infact they go the other way.. i get the mc has problems is completely full of  shit, but the way you have written him, is like someone with an IQ of 10 and has some serious mental retardation going on...because all he does is speak to women like they are nothing but a piece of meat to him, and his endless stupid blabbing...dropping people into trouble almost continuously and at the end with ashley and grandpa at the mansion i almost stopped playing because i was by this time extremely pissed and angry at the mc.  I wanted ashley to stay, i wanted the mc to stop talking shit at every opportunity. I had no interest in emily at all.  make ashley and sam available as relationship option, have more sex scenes with sam, ashley and mc it would be so hot.  they dont have to be bisexual to have a poly relationship!

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I completely agree with your statement. I also find that the MC needs a major rework on the communication area of things, he's just dishing out compliments and being a dingaling all around. Not to bash the writers I love the girls...disliked Emily's militant behavior and getting the MC a black eye and stuff....but I gave her a chance and she's cool I guess but Ashley is...damn she's a work of art but enough about that what you said I 100% support it and couldn't have said it any better myself!. But overall I enjoyed the game a lot it's just...the MC man...ugh but besides that a great game. you basically formulated most of my opinion so again I agree with you.


Agreed. MC is just fucking moronic blabbering horny manchild.

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Hey guys thanks for your support.  I really love large aspects of the story,  particularly with ashley. I never really bothered with emily, because as been already stated far too militant for my tastes, hence why I never bothered with her, except when the vn forced me to interact with her, and i always managed to fail some strange points test to go any further with her.  Ashley is indeed a work of art!   Loved her storyline, just a pity she is just some side interest, which ironic given her storyline which seems to be, with holding the emily storyline (i just couldnt bring myself to even wanting to interact with her after a few chapters.  Outside fo the ashley storyline, it just seem a little all over the place if you didnt bother much with emily, whom i am presuming is the main go to character given she has multiple stats and ashley and sam only have corruption.  dont get me wrong like i said.  its just the writers badly need to fix the  'manchild' mc big time.  allow both sam and ashley to be fully dateable, which would probably mean you need to write a new ending with her dating the mc, whatever that is. i was just sat in ever increasing bewilderment at some of the mc came out, as the chapters rolled through. sam and ashley good, make them fully datable, emily and other characters need major rewriting, because they are just awful and i am being too kind. no insult meant of course to the devs of this vn,  as mentioned above about ashley.  I know this your game yadda yadda, but it got tiresome with the mc pretty quickly and i only stuck it out because of the ashley and sam characters.


how about.....just dont play the game?


i think you missed the entire point. this avn could be exceptional if it wasnt for the manchild, i mean if he wasnt doing most of the things he does in the first place.  i have played the 'game' and thats why i posted what I did. If i didnt give a shit, then i would just have moved on. the fact remains i really enjoyed large segments of it. I am not the only one who wants the manchild to blabbing all over the place etc, because it really spoils what is an exceptional avn!  And asking to be able to date sam or ashley, i would hardly say that is too much to ask, since they are really nice women, especially the milf sam, and the messed up ashley is a really beautiful girl behind all her family problems etc.


I find this EXCEPTIONAL regardless of the silly complaints about the MC or other silly complaints written about the plot. I imagine TOKYEO agrees with me.