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A member registered Feb 23, 2017

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thank you

when does 2.0.0 go free?

The original game is not dead, K7 is still waiting for his ssd's to be returned with all his assets and models etc. He is still writing chapter 4. He can't render anything with the original game until he gets his stuff back.

Sorry, I don't mind supporting financially but not over priced 3D printed miniature models. Maybe have another story lined up or something much more worth while?  Everyone wants to do 3D models these days but the cost is stupidly expensive and prohibitive, this is not about supporting and artist, its about being ripped off on price and not necessarily from your end, but the actual cost at the user end, it will still cost a stupidly expensive price.

That being said I think 15/20 USD for miniature models is more than enough. Those are the prices I see regularly.  The models are small, still have fine details, and you can stand them anywhere.  It won't cost anywhere near that to create small 3D printed characters.  You just need to choose their clothes then create the colors and then print the little model, using that blueprint people can then create their character in their 3D printer once they've paid for the blueprint.

Also if your planning on printing them yourself and sending them overseas or in the USA/Canada, you wouldn't be paying for the postage it would be down to the person buying the premade model. Then there is insurance to deal with, which would be on you, as the sender. Unless you have a lot of money, as an outlay to start with, I can tell you, it's not worth your time. Your going to be loosing so much money initially, your going to wonder if you will ever make it back. I just wouldn't do it if I where you.  

Just concentrate on your game, before even daring to think about doing something like making 3D printed characters from your game. Something could happen that could cause you never to complete the game, that really wouldn't go down well with your fans. 

Anyway I wish you well, unfortunately I have not been able to play v0.17 yet, because I lost all of my saves, and I have endless amount of games I promised myself I would get through, then discovered that they all need updating, but I will only do that once I have finished the latest version of a game. I will get to yours again in a few months I think, since I don't have any saves from v.016 or below :(

K7, I would advise you to use more than 1 time skip in MNF 2. The reason I say this, is because there are going to be assholes out there, who see babies and then they see toddlers and young children. The game is entirely about IC, no getting away from that, the boat left a long time ago.   These people may never have played any of your games, and draw wrong conclusions from the fact they know IC is involved heavily in the games.  By time skipping, we can avoid all the toddlers / young children stuff and have them turned into legal adults of at least 18.

I know in most countries in Europe the age of consent is 14, in Japan it is 13, and in the UK 16. However you really don't want to go down any of those age of consent roads, because that would be pedophilia (they are still below the age of 18) and they would come down heavily on you.  Regardless WE your fans know that you would never have that in your games, but we don't matter a single jot in the decisions other asshats make. The last thing I want to see is you having all your computer stuff removed and up for potential charges (The police are not going to read any of your games, and it would be easy and also wrong for them to come to a quite bizarre conclusion in regards the offspring).  

Just use your time skip device a few times and you get rid of any doubt at all even by the ass hats who don't even play your games, news gets around that the game uses time skip forwards for the babies and children.   That might be your best bet going forward as you design the new game.

You know, just go to the police station (I am assuming your local police station) and ask for you stuff back, if they refuse then and there then they should tell you when you can expect to get your drives back, the fastest route to anything is going to the idiots who took your stuff off you in the first place, rather than taking forever via a lawyer who probably couldn't give a shit either way as long as he is paid. If this happened to me in my country, I can assure you there would be all kinds of raising hell. Loosing money because you can't work due to their ineptitude and bullshit taking forever to return work items.  They can simply take a print of what is on your drives, there is no excuse not to give them back to you, and it takes them less than 1 minute to do it!  Honestly, just go to them and explain you have been waiting and age and can't work due to them still having your ssd's. If they say not yet, they will have to tell you when you can go and pick your drives up.

I just want to say this game is awesome, beautiful and extremely hilarious. I have never laughed so hard in my life.  I Mean I know I have seen these models before being used in other games, but you have dressed them up enough to somehow make me kind of forget about such things, I just can't stop laughing at their antics. Hannah is insanely funny, she kind of reminds me of my little sister, she always gets what she wants or else, hell on earth and her antics can just as much be as funny as Hannah in this game.

A little admission I am more like Lucy, always trying to stop my little sister from raising hell and always getting herself into and out of trouble in the way she does things. I just pity my sister's husband one day haha

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excellent idea, but he would probably only be able to do that once he is cleared and just before the case is closed down. He is entitled to any lost wages that he has incurred for sure.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I truly hope it be a significantly better one than you have had to endure, best wishes to your family too!

You can play this in a browser here -> Halfway House episode 1-10  hope this helps you.

That's why I have been subscribing to Mega. It's very cheap compared to most of the shitty file hosts out there, you also get to keep your download quota when you renew.  I have something like 23TB quota, from subscribing for years.  The best part is they are better than the file hosts you have quoted, given the security on mega and your account.  I have a fairly large amount of storage, at 400gb.  I barely use it for storage, except when I need to upload my games back to my mega account, and then I can access and download them elsewhere. I used it mainly to download avn's from places like f95. Where there are needed mods for many of these avn's.   Let's put it this way, they are far cheaper than other hosts and your quota carries over year after year if you haven't spent it all, and give the average size of an avn is between 2/5gb.  You'll find most of the avn's are uploaded to places like mega on other avn sites. Your not limited to here to get this game.

Anyway the length of time it took to get episode 10 and the small size of it, after more than a year, and the really mentally challenged mc, I kind of gave up on it for the time being.  He couldn't even be assed to put a christmas special out that didn't need to be part of the story.

Happy Holidays K!

What if they decide never to give you your stuff back or take like 6 more months? When you buy the assets and models, is it impossible to make the same characters again, if you don't have any choice because they won't give the drives back in any reasonable time?  It just feels like your suffering too much, and it might be you need to bite the bullet and just redo the characters that where in the mnm game, which will then let you get on with your livelihood. I know it's obviously not idea or anything, but at the very least you can work and have everything you need to make the new chapter.

It just seems like it might be the only way until at least they either give the drives back or not.  The police seem to be a law unto themselves, even if your innocent which you are, the bastards will still not give them back for a very long time, which is an utterly ludicrous situation for you.  You should give it some serious thought, remaking the characters etc, and once you have done that, your not so dependent on the drives the cops have. 

Or you might want to consider getting a different lawyer, one who can get this problem sorted. It's been 3 months already and with no sign of any action whatsoever and your lawyer by the sounds of things, seems very reticent to actually do anything at all.  I know the cops in your country if they move any slower they will be like statues.  At least if you remake your characters etc, it might help you with your job financially, and also allow you to get people in your patron to beta test the remade characters etc. Just a thought.

The more you talk about Anna and MNM the more eager I am to play this new update! I think by now you know how much I am truly loving your best work to date in MNM!  Hopefully it won't be too long for you to get your SSD's back.  I am wondering because I probably missed the answer, but since I can see your able to do MNM renders, does this mean the SSD's are not an absolute requirement to complete the new update? Best wishes to you and your family K7!

While this is good, I am sorry but you'd need to be brain dead to even contemplate that this is better than MNF. I do like this game but it is in no way better than the aforementioned. I much prefer the characters and stories with MNF.

It sounds like good news about your ssd's. how can people be such nasty assholes they have to cause you so much emotional turmoil? Why can't people just mind their own business, what's it got to do with anyone else, it's your livelihood and non their business after all.

The way you have worded it, I am now looking forward to playing the christmas special after all! 

I had to start MNF all over again, because I had forgotten that I hadn't copied any of saves over to my new computer. The drive died and I lost all my renpy saves.  I have played this game through a number of times since I first got it much prior to v.014, and what i find interesting, is that usually after you have read a novel a few times, it tends to loose it's appeal because you know exactly whats going to happen etc, but I am still loving playing from the beginning again.  I am currently upto meeting little alice and she has just moved in, had to comfort her the first night because she was so sad and scared.  Still a long way to go, but just wanted to tell you I love the stories as if I was reading them for the first time. 

Thank for such a wholesome and beautiful game, even if a number of people wouldn't see that way.  

I know you said you will be making this game into version 1.0, and combining the 2 parts together, But you really need to fix the grammar. Maybe find someone fluent in English and whom has good grammar, so they can fix all the little syntax errors such as bring and take. You don't ask some one to bring you to the door, you ask them to take you to the door for example. This is the correct syntax.  You don't bring anyone anywhere, you take them.  Also you if your not going back to MNF to add the love route, it might be a good idea to remove that, and at the start of the game explain you can choose just one or however many girls / side girls as you want and you can choose to impregnate them or not at some point, but if you don't, there will be less content because this game was created to be played as a harem with a male protagonist. Just my thoughts.

Really looking forward to MNM.

(3 edits)

Hope your well K7. My only concern with MNF is that it won't be stand alone, which honestly I think it should be, so you can focus entirely on MNF 2.  This could be a new fresh start for MNF, people who have never played it before, would have a much smaller update, and can get into it. The problem right now for new players, is the size of the story is quite huge, and it's a lot to ask a brand new player / reader to go and play v0.14 and then the latest version.  I am sure some will, but if you want to attract new players, you could actually use the xmas version to get people to play MNF, before you even work on MNF 2....possibly get more subscribers / fans, the more the merrier right?  It will just mean you gotta work faster than you are now lol

I just do not understand the mentality of the German police, why take so long to investigate your case?  Quick enough to cease, slow enough to wind you up and cause annoyance.  

Surely all they have to do is check your SSD's?  They can run all sorts of programs to lift anything of the drives, and being SSD's that should take no time at all compared to physical cylinder drives or regular moving parts HDD's.

Can't you sue the the person(s) for causing undue unrest and depression for making false allegations since obviously your innocent and the police taking forever to mess you around before they bother to even check your drives only to find nothing?

Good luck with everything I am sure you will be fine, really looking forward to MNM.

take a long hard look it has taken you to get 3 chapters of MNM out into the public, then look how long it has taken your to get MNF updates out since 2021, both games suffered significant delays in development, but non so more  as MNM.  Your only 1 person, and to actually keep attempting to make both games, without significant delays between either, is at best a complete illusion or at worst a delusional.  

MNF as ended, there should be no Christmas special until MNF 2 releases some time next year, it's fitting and it's appropriate for the game then, not now, now you have completely killed it off, until you develop the next game. Now you need to pay full time attention on MNM I would also consider bringing in an artists, so you do your work.

(1 edit)

I am sorry this is a little long, but I wanted to express myself and tell you what a wonderful person you are, no matter how difficult life gets, you have the mental fortitude to keep going, and you are genuinely a lovely caring person, and that's why we care and love so much (When I say love, I mean it in a friend way, and don't want others to misread what I wrote.) I know we all see you as a friend even if we haven't met you, it's easy to see what a good / kind person you are just by how you write, and care about us your followers, those who have invested a lot of time playing your wonderful and wholesome games.

(sorry, I am going through a very difficult time , my parents recently passed away, they where both very ill, and I had been so worried and scared about what would happen)

K7 thank you for this wonderful wholesome story, I've loved every minute of it, would have liked to have seen more progression with Fiona. I am looking forward to playing the prologue, which will be a bittersweet watershed for me, because it was your story, this MNF that got me into reading these adult visual novels.  I was hooked from the beginning, not because of the ic or the sex. It was the inter personal relationships and stories everyone had, especially Lucy, whom we all feel was easily the best character story in the game. For me the Little Demon was a close second. I mean imagine after everything the mc had to go through with his dad (i hate calling him that, because apart from donating his seed, he was nothing but dog poop under everyone's shoes, truly evil creature that he was.) and then having lost everything else, he ends up at his long lost mom's house, who he thought was dead because of the lies his father had told him.  Then going through everything else when he gets to this strange new house, to meet a mom he could barely remember as a little boy, an aunt and eventually a grandmother, who initially I took an instant disliking too, but it all worked out quite nicely at the end. It is just a shame it had to end , I know there is a MNF 2 at some point, but this was the most pivotal to me, due to it being my first vn.  (Harem Hotel, has a lot of different character stories, and so well written by Runey, if you haven't played it yet, if your new, go look for it on here itch, its worth the download and playing.

Thank you once again K7, for such a wonderful wholesome story, even if I have been a little unfair and mad at you for which i am truly sorry. Your going through a bit of a nightmare yourself, i don't know what exactly happened, but you said the police had your computer with your hard drives or something and was waiting to get them back.  You haven't done anything wrong, and you will get your stuff back, but why it needs to take the cops so long, when all it takes is a few hours if that, even depending the size of the SSD's if hats what they've taken.  

I eagerly  look forward to what MNF 2 will bring, and so looking forward to my new favorite game MNM. I can't wait to meet the new ginger's and I wonder what adventures we can now expect with Anna :) Take care my friend, keep your sense of humor and chin up, things will be perfectly okay in the end, even if we and you have to wait.

I lost all my saves because my external hard drive failed, which means another play through this evening, from beginning to end (it's not really the end is it, since we will see the girls again in the sequel.

The above render is outstanding I must say! I have no real idea what has happened, why they took your stuff, hopefully you will get it back sooner rather than later.  In the meantime it is a wonderful move to suspend patreon payments while not much is going on. There are some struggling to pay their bills, but think you deserve a subscription, because we all love your stories, a lot of people are too proud to admit they are struggling financially. I know they won't underscribe and I can't blame them, your a wonderful author. You could write a  novel with no images and it would be just as entertaining as your visual novels. All the best for the future, and don't worry too much, things will work themselves out in due process.

I hope for your patrons you do the right thing and you suspend subscriptions until you release one or the other game, people have already waited more than they should have because off all your problems and  issues, not blaming you at all, but still, they are throwing money at you and getting nothing back in return, except your problems and issues. Why did you not keep back ups on external storage , tbh this baffles me completely, because most devs do in case of ssd issues?

congratz on your wedding! real life is more important, enjoy the big day, and especially the honeymoon!

You don't really need to worry about him taking his time, he has become a specialist at it. The updates are relatively small, yet it takes him 3 times longer than the likes of Naughty Road who produces once a year a massive update to his game.

Naughty Road knows he can't take on a second development project, because his main game would suffer for it, and updates would be smaller and it would take even longer to create each update.  The same has been happening here, each update has gotten slower and slower sadly.  With MNM I was expecting a lot more content given it took him a year to create it lol

Please take your time, we are with you, if not physically then in our mind. Real Life always always come first no matter what. I am so sorry for your father's death.  Please take care of yourself. Best wishes from Europe!

Please can you stop with all the spoilers for MNM. Basically your ruining the chapter when you tell us things, surely it would be better for us to be surprised by the story / game than being told by it's developer what's going to happen. 

I am more than sure you can update us without going full tilt into those spoilers. I realize what your posting here is more than very likely what you have posted either to your patrons or on subscribe star, hence the claims to lewd pictures, which your not allowed to post here. 

It's like being told the result of a football match, when you don't want to know the result. Your trying to avoid the score, because you missed the match and plan to watch it later on catch up or something, it's exactly the same thing.  Once you know the score, there really is very little point in watching the match, because the only thing that matters is the score. It is the same here, except too many spoilers.  

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don't worry about it, what is time, when it's already been what feels like forever anyway for MNF? It's why I have reiterated many times, just stick with MNM and work on that.  You will eventually finish MNF, and then when you have completed MNM, you can work on MNF 2 without having to worry about working on anything else.

(1 edit)

chapter 4 will be either the end of year, unlikely or next year likely, given the slow progress of the previous 3 chapters and the timings of their releases, so don't get excited for it yet, its still a long wait.

grats on the wedding!

I can't forgive you for the ending of chapter 3, the way it was left, that was a dirty rotten trick you pulled on your fans for no good reason at all! The worst part is your not even known for pulling stunts like that.   

I hope we see chapter 4 before the end of this year, I mean 1 chapter a year almost , is not right.   Put MNF 2 on hold until you have almost finished mnm!

It's actually been 2 years since the release of my My New Memories. Chapter 1 was released on Steam on June 11 2021 at 9:00am PDT / 6pm (CEST). Chapter 2 was release on 26 August  2022 and Chapter 3 May 17 2023.   That is just 3 updates or chapters in 2 years.  With the longest wait between Chapter 1 to chapter 2.  The update between Chapter 2 to chapter 3 was quite some considerable time too. 

I am mentioning the above because it's important.  It demonstrates very slow updates.  Chapter 2 was when it changed to developing both games.  Again very slow.  Your a solo developer, and it's obviously going to take you time, but developing both at the same time, one after the other is utterly nonsensical and makes no sense at all.  I don't give a shit what subscribers wanted, because they are like sheep, happy to accept anything or nothing.  MNM is suffering from a lack of updates, and you concentration at the end of MNF must be on the game we love the most, and not on developing MNF 2 until you have at least finished MNM or close to it.  I put those dates down above because I want to show everyone just how incredibly slow the development process as been.   You can't have big chapters, develop two games at the same time and hope you can release updates in a timely manner, you just can't do it, and I doubt anyone could without a team behind them.

Please, concentrate only on MNM when MNF comes to an end which I assume is this last update for it.  Give me MNM more attention and focus only on it.  We'll be happy, you will be a lot more happier, and people are more likely than not to subscribe. Right now subscribing it's worth it due to the lack of game updates, which was your choice to attempt development on both, the above dates prove you really can't do that.   It's not an insult, but it is a straight up fact, your taking far too long with chapter releases with MNM and you didn't need me to say that, you know it too. I am only voicing it, because the obvious reason for it, is MNF takes away valuable MNM development time.

MNF 2 would increase that time even more, so please, wait until you have finished or nearly completed MNM before making MNF 2.  Business wise it makes more sense, the longer we wait for MNF 2, the longer your subscribers stay around, a brutal fact maybe.  The quicker those MNM chapters are released more likely your going to get more subs, it's a fact.  I said it before, there is no real reason to sub you because people are interested in your games, both take way to long to get updates out for..concentrate on just one, problem solved. 

I love MNM, and I know it should be about MNF.  But I don't want to think about the end of MNF,  because I am in two minds if it even should have come to and end at this point, but you have MNF 2 planned, which means you can concentrate entirely on MNM and forget about MNF 2 for some time until the end of MNM.

your not the only one, mnf was favorite and it was my first avn too. so it holds a special place and i really am concerned about its direction in mnf 2 and which engine he is going to use. Right now all I can think of is MNM, the story itself is actually better written? maybe because of all the experience k7 got from writing mnf, because there is a definite improvement between the 2, in fact you can see the improvement in writing occur after the lucy storyline, but i felt the last few updates where rushed and the quality of writing nowhere near mnm, but i guess it what happens when trying to develop 2 vn's at the same time, time constraints etc. not a criticism just an observation really.

Your very cruel and evil to leave it as you did with mnm, as soon as she moved her arms, i don't know but i found myself with a few tears, I can't believe you left it there!

On the other hand your not really cruel or evil, but it really felt that way at the end of the scene and update.One thing got me a little puzzled. Was it always your intention to leave it where it currently is with anna, or where you planning to do a little more, but ran out of time or was the plan to always do that semi cliff hanger or whatever its called?  It just felt really weird? to leave it as it was until the next update, i don't know? loved every minute of the story. But please, mnm is good because its not filled with giant boobed women, which takes away any immersion. MNM the ladies either have small or normal sized boobs, which is completely refreshing.

Concerning MNF right at the very beginning, there was going to be two choices, either an alternate route or the harem route. You only wrote the harem route with obvious options to not include everyone.  I would suggest removing both of those option completely. It's a harem game and there is no other choice to made except to play it or not.  Surprised by now you haven't removed those choice. There is no alternate route, except the choices in the harem route, which is the game itself.

Stick with HS1...

There is no need for a walkthrough. It's obvious which choices to make, it's not like other games in which you kinda need to guess, you don't need to guess in this game.

hehe she could do with a little redesign or improving.

That is why so many of us don't want him to move the horrible HS 2. I still have yet to actually play MNM because I seem to be still stuck on the game Crimson High. The game is about the story and not the sex, and is a slow burner, but it's been wonderful, really enjoying it. Looking forward to getting back to my nmn.

MNF 2 in HS 1, it won't work at all in any other engine because it won't be the same game. It simply won't be.  Everyone has their own cute charm in HS 1, and most people fell in love with the game because of the story and characters (models, graphics) and it's surroundings. Sure there where not so many places they went, but that's probably because you started to divert off into my new memories. 

I remember in a post you where deliberating which engine to use, then you said your where just going to stick with hs1 etc.

Your last update you hinted at suddenly wanting to use HS 2, despite it significant failings compared to HS 1.  Most of us know what those failings are in HS 2. Tupee s for the men, graphic clipping , looks like everyone took a bath in oil, horrible glow. animations glitch like crazy, and you constantly get animation clipping, where one animated area protrudes through another , not something you can fix or avoid if you want animation.  Your limited to what you can really do to the characters, in other words the characters from HS 1 are not reproducible, in HS 2. They are unique to the engine, just like the glow dolls and men wearing tupee's and animation clipping which can't be fixed. Not even sure why shitty HS 2 even exists, it's like using windows 98 (HS 2) v windows 10 (HS 1 despite this being much older than HS 2!, it's night and day.)

I hope and pray you will stay to your word and continue MNF 2 in HS 1 just like a lot of your fans want too, because it would never ever be MNF, just something using it's name. Spin offs rarely work, especially if you significantly change things. 

You know what your doing in HS 1 we love it, so make it MNF 2 in HS 1 too, from a lot of your fans!

So far it's worked out well. He alternates between updates for MNF and MNM respectively.  It would be so easy to just work on one and forget the other until it's complete but that would definitely be damaging to either games but mostly MNF because it's coming to the end of it's story until MNF 2.  MNF is and probably always will be his finest work and brought his wholesome community together. Killer 7 is very active, unlike a lot of other devs out there who make endless excuses why things to take to long and never have updates and scam their subscribing customers. K7 is a very active developer, and responds well to his community, despite all the work he sets himself.  He hasn't failed yet and I don't see him failing in the future, unless he takes on yet another project which would be the tipping point.

MNF why tinker with something that works ie HS1? it's what people know the game as. HS2 models are terrible. If you like highly reflective shiny pvc looking models fine, but there is a certain charm to hs1 models, and like i said if you change them from the original format, are they really the same characters when they look different? psychologically they would  not be. HS2 models have huge clipping issues with animation no matter what you do.

If something works, don't tinker and break it is a famous saying. I think you said a while back you would be sticking with hs1, it's what your patrons wanted to in a poll you had from what you posted here a day or two later.

I was hoping to see my new family update appear on steam in the next week, i know you have had issues etc, but now it means I have to play the game all over again to remember what I had chosen hehehe so i am ready for the new update! but thats okay. 

I hope you and your family are well. take care, and take a rest when needed!