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Simple, engaging game. Feels very retro. Great! 

If I had to suggest one thing to improve, it would be balancing the difficulty level. After realizing that the left and right side of the screen are wrapped together, the first level was trivial to beat. However, I didn't manage to beat the second level with following enemies level even once. Many times the enemies even instantly killed the character after spawn/respawn without any chance of surviving.

Hi Irdazrl

Thank you, yes I am struggling to balance the difficulty and will look to add a delay before the enemies get respawned.

Brian ...



I have uploaded a new version, with rebalanced difficulty a respawn delay and reset the player respawn position. 


The new respawn system is much more player friendly! Also level 1 is know more interesting with enemies moving to both directions. Still can't beat the second level with following enemies though...

One new bug I noticed is that sometimes the controls lock and the characters just start continuously moving left. (Although, I'm not 100% certain if it's actually a bug in the game because I've also had some problems with my keyboard lately and it might just happen because of that.)