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A member registered Feb 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you, yeah TIC-80 is great, quite capable of making great little games and ideal for jams as dev is quick and builds are simple to do do. 

I am working on a new version which will include a armour power up overcome the issue you had.



Thank you for your feedback I am trying to address the  balance of difficult in the next version. 



Thanks for the feedback I am working on a new version I will address those issues. 

Brian ...

Thanks H_AK that's a great Idea I will add that to the updated version after the jam voting ends. 


Thank you for the feedback I will add that to my to do list.

Brian ...


Thank you for the feedback. I am working on adding a high score feature, animations and sound.

Brian ...

Hi Rohun

Thank you for the feedback will add the controls to the startup text.

Brian ...

Nice smooth animation like the graphics & style great job in the time given.

Hi RyanH82 

Thank your for the feedback I will use that when I have some time to rework it.

Brian ...

Great addictive game with cute graphics. Great work in 10 days not far off a finished article.

Very cool idea & mechanics some quite unique features.

Brian ...

cool fun.

Nice unique looking theme if the game play was a bit faster it would be more fun.


Thank you for your feedback, I had the original idea to fit the theme but then struggled to make it challenging or interesting. I will get back on it soon. 


Hi RicoTV

Thank you, how did you break it? 


Hi Yang 

Thank you for letting me know, I have updated the page to include a download of the .tic file which contains the source & all the assets is that OK or should I also extract the source code in to a text file too.

I can't see a way to edit the submission to add the link to the .tic download https://191brian.itch.io/after-death/purchase

Is there a way to edit the submission or away to remove it and then add it back.

Brian ... 

Great work I am fascinated with the Apollo missions, currently re listening to the podcast "13 minutes to the Moon" from the BBC World Service 

Great simple idea with a good level of difficulty.


I have uploaded a new version, with rebalanced difficulty a respawn delay and reset the player respawn position. 

Thank you for introducing me to TIC-80 I had never heard of it till you used it in the mundane jam, first time I look at TIC-80 I struggled to get to grips with LUA so gave up. But tried again recently now I understand LUA better its really fun to use and the limitations force you to be creative.

Hi Irdazrl

Thank you, yes I am struggling to balance the difficulty and will look to add a delay before the enemies get respawned.

Brian ...

thank you, I see I should have checked the animation go into the border area.

Like the idea, well implemented in the time allowed.

Thanks yes all back to normal now thanks for getting back to me.

Thank you, yes I really should have slowed down the pen movement. 

Thank you, maybe I should be more generous with the bullet collision shape. Think I will also increase the gravity effect on the player. 

Same problem for me, can upload game OK but images not uploading.

thanks for the suggestions great ideas.

thanks for the comment dev is going well will post an updated version tomorrow.

Great quirky  graphics remined me if of Terry Gilliam's style he used for Monty Python. Nice touches with the folding notes and the people on the notes eyes being animated.

The animation was nice and smooth and fitted the theme perfectly. 

Not being American it took a moment to recognise wich coin was which.

Brian ...

Good advice thanks for sharing, great to hear despite the difficulties you are going to push through. 

(1 edit)

Great practical advice on level design being new to game dev this type of devlog will help me.

Nice pixel art too.


I see you used Godot for your game are you able to recommend any good resources to learn Godot.

191Brian ... 


I see you used Godot for your game are you able to recommend any good resources to learn Godot.

191Brian ... 

Simple but fun little game plenty options for future development. 

Great game interesting game play, first time I have played a turn based video game nicely themed and great graphics be interesting to see it finished. You managed to get an lot done in the time allowed.

Hi Kouda Ha

Thanks for trying it out, when looking for sounds I almost picked a squelching sound for the moles lo. Your reaction to dealing with the moles was exactly what I hoped for! ;-) 

QB64 is great if you want to build from the ground up, it has a small helpful and friendly community on the forum and responsive developers.  

Brian ...

Hi Neopolis

Thanks for the advice, I  am new to writing games and I am not a gamer. (Prefer coding to gaming)

So I should give clues at the start of the game then feedback in game when they use the wrong tool/asset.  Should the in game feedback reduce over time?

I have ideas for levels with new maps and tasks to add after the after voting on the Jam ends.

Thanks again for taking the time to comment. 

Brian ...

Great graphics and animation nice touches with status and progress displays. Repetitive tasks fits well with the theme. 

Hi Gus

Thanks for the encouragement I will develop it further with more levels in the future.

Brian ...