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(1 edit)

Day 2:

Welcome back to Team Twin Beaver's daily hopefully devlog! We've been whittling away at our to-do list and have a bit of progress to show for it. I spent most of the day animating our MC. Below you can see a clip of our main character dying! (yay?) and to the right a still of his... lifeless body.

It was recorded in unity so it's a bit laggy - but, hey, it's something. Tomorrow I'm moving on to animating our first enemy (we'll be keeping our main threat a secret for now) which I'll paste a concept of below (the spear is floating, yes - that was completely on purpose).

Our programmers Rohith and Steve continued progress on the menu, design of game flow, and cutscenes and dialogue.

Last but not least we have our solo composer, Ryken, completing an epic theme for our game, creating UI sound effects, and getting a lot of SFX done for our main character as well. He will be continuing tomorrow on more environmental themes for our boss fight and enemies. 

That's it for today, thanks for reading and check back tomorrow for more updates!


Team Twin Beaver

Wow, seems like an awesome project! Cant wait to see the end produc

Thanks! We can’t wait either :D