Day 1:
******NOTE: The Game Title was revised to Temini (from Remini) after catching a translation error***
Working Game Title: Temini
Mythos: Aztec
Team Members: elexivv, Ryken, Rohith, and SneakySteve
Hello, we are Team Twin Beaver working on an 2D platformer based on the story of the Aztec god Huitzilopotchli for the Historically Accurate Game Jam. We spent the first hours of the jam today mapping out a design of our core mechanics, proposed story line, and concept art. As the artist for team Beaver, I worked out some basic concepts and chose a look and feel which I thought lent itself well to the theme.
This paper-like design was ultimately settled on both for it's story-book like appeal and being a good fit with the skeleton-based animation approach. No animations have been started as of yet, since I still need to concept the other characters and environment, but I hope to get started tomorrow *sweats nervously*. During our design meeting I also drew up a quick sketch of our future thumbnail which I'll paste below. As you can see we voted and settled on the game title “Temini”- but you'll have to be patient and wait to find out what it means.... I know what you're thinking, don't google it.
My programming teammates, Rohith and SneakySteve, have been hard at work on implementing movement and UI. Below is the snippet of the design doc our programmers are starting with before moving on to the more time consuming parts of development. Once this is done they'll be getting into the more fun parts, like the enemy AI.
- Movement (left, right, jumping)
- menu screen
- victory screen
- options screen
- credits screen
Our composer and sound designer Ryken is researching aztec instruments and music for his compositions and putting together the beginnings of a soundtrack. As we move forward in the project we'll be passing back and forth information on game tone and materials to ensure Ryken can create SFXs well suited to our environment.
That's it for now (I'm gonna fall behind soon if I don't get back to work), thanks for reading through our first devlog!