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That was a truly delightful and creative game. Really loved seeing some of the ideas for the monsters. Great work!

But I found a glitch! I don't know how exactly, but when I returned to the room with the torch (where you wake up the monster with the loud flute) there was no way out; I was stuck and had to restart the game. This happened after I both 1) woke up the monster and got the torch, and 2) moved the boulder and talked to the monster at the end of the path. I'm assuming doing both these things will make the torch-room broken.

Other than that, it was a really fun game.

Hi there; thanks so much for your kind words, and letting me know about this bug!

When you say there was no way out, do you mean that moving to the exit wouldn't let you leave the room? Also: do you happen to remember whether you were trying to leave from the Mimic Chest side (on the left) or from Sleeping Bridge Goblin side (on the right) when this error occurred? Or, did you have it happen twice, in both places? Just looking to clarify where the issue might be. 🙂


Moving to the exit wouldn't let me leave. It was the sleeping bridge goblin side. I went back there (after talking to the mimic) by mistake and then it was like there was no exit.

Thanks so much for your response! I'll take a peek and try and suss out what's going wrong. :)