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I have not played Aisle (yet), so this game plays on the strengths of the text-based interface in a way I haven't seen before. While it'd normally be frustrating to have to "guess the verb", since many reasonable guesses lead forward, this is not bad.

It's been years since I last played an IF game, perhaps due to hyperlink based interactive fiction now occupying most of the interactive fiction niche these days. Many of the games I played did not use the freedom of the input system in an effective way, so I did not mourn this transition much, but this game is a great example of what's been lost.


Also, the use of Kaguya and Mokou is excellent. When I first got the 'look at kaguya' ending, I wasn't sure whether I should "talk to Kaguya", or really have any more dealings with her, but it slowly dawned on me that the different iterations are not the same moment, but different near-identical snapshots from the lives of these immortals. I found this quite beautiful.

A highly recommended experience.