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A member registered Aug 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! The multitasking is definitely meant to be the main source of difficulty, so we imagined that a successful player would find ways to reduce the multitasking requirements: typically by controlling all 3 like you did, or sometimes by leaving 2 to cover some directions while controlling a single Hecatia. We wanted the players to get a taste of how difficulty it'd be to have three bodies, so that they can better appreciate how awesome Hecatia is.

Basically – you got it! Congrats. :D

3D! Glowing things! Otters! I feel like the gameplay is a bit lackluster, but the game seems aware of this and doesn't drag on and it doesn't get in the way of enjoying the things the game does well.

This is like 3 short stories bundled into one game. All linear, kinetic novel style.
The way it is, it doesn't really feel like the whole is greater than its parts, but they are pretty nice short stories, so it's not a big problem. 
Even as someone who is a bit averse towards long VNs, I was able to enjoy this since it doesn't drag on. It also has a lot of art for the word count, and most of it is high quality. The one gameplay segment is meh but inoffensive: Not really needed since the game isn't long enough that the reader will crave variety. It's over quickly so it's fine.

It's very polished, but it really does feel like a stage 1 in a longer game. Not sure what the point items are for, but innocent creatures died so I could obtain like hundreds of them, so I hope they are important.

Congrats on finishing the game! Thank you for playing and thanks for your comments. An easier way to heal would definitely have changed the bomb economics, and would probably have been needed if the game was longer.

Unfortunately, we cannot refund your 15 minutes, but at least you got to see the outstanding ending screen.

(1 edit)

Possibly, but it didn't really seem like it. She didn't get ht much at least.

The game looks great, but it feels like it doesn't really communicate what's going wrong, especially with the multitasking going on.

I don't understand the game. I don't get hit but I die.

This is great. I haven't been playing many shmups since rabbit & steel came out (and I haven't played TH6 in years), so it was so fun to get back at it. Nice references to spell cards and some fun new twists too. Normal mode is pretty easy (but good and fun!), but I think that's appropriate for fan games, and there is always Hard and Lunatic.

Laevatein killing you if you try to circle above Flandre is kinda lol when going in blind, but I can respect it. Everything else was very intuitive to dodge.

This is so good. I'm so happy you made this.

But are there really only 7 stars? I couldn't find an 8th star, so I assumed it'd be up with Reimu, but then the game ended. Great game, nevertheless.

Heck yeah, Chiyari! This kind of comedy suits her well.

Good variety of stuff and nothing dragged on longer than it should have.

I think I managed to get all the cards.

Thank you for your kind words, and thank you for playing!

SPL makes the corresponding bomb more powerful.

Not harsh at all, thank you for playing and commenting on our game!

We've release a post-jam update that (among other things) adds some more resources to the game, so that you'll have more bombs to heal with.

(1 edit)

Recettear + Danmaku? Cool idea. I miss sound effects for grazing, and I feel like the hitboxes aren't exactly what they should be, so I keep hit while grazing since there is no good feedback when you're close enough.

Edit: I've played it some more. You really managed to put a lot of cards in here. The dialog is great, too.

Loved the different ending screens. Malice for life, though. Go Alice! Go lasers! Reimu can go walk her dog!

The world needs more Seiga with a shotgun. That art is great. Glad we're getting more Seiga games.

As for the game itself:
The explosion indicators needed to have better contrast with the background, especially since you can expect the player to be looking further up the screen where enemies spawn. The enemies that die to the right of the screen drop items you cannot pick up.

Suika's first attack was pretty fun. It felt like a bullet hell at that point.

Ah, Ice Climbers. It's probably the number one first party Nintendo NES game I never understood the appeal of. Unfortunately, I still don't understand the appeal, even after finishing this game.

It's not awful, by any means. I think it has more normal platformer controls than Ice Climbers, so it's more accessible. The challenge is good, but without a time limit, it's just a matter of being patient. Not very exciting. The scoring system is awful and you can't even see your score once you've finished the game.

With a few tweaks, it could probably be made into a decent game, so it's a start. I'd play a better version of this. I want to understand the appeal of Ice Climbers.

Bats: the hardest mineral known to man.

Cute game! I loved the writing.

I used up both my glowing water and magnolia during the free time I had after making the tritricolor banner and the deadline, and I think it made the next phase impossible to beat. I wish there was a way to get more ingredients so that you couldn't softlock yourself just because it seemed funny to make radium paint for pride month.

Thank you for playing!

Turns out there was a bug with the bomb scaling, so I've just fixed that. (There was also a nasty crash against the final boss. I fixed this too.)

Again, thank you for playing. If not for your post, I might not have found that bug so soon.

I'm glad this is not dead. Sanae sounds happy(?) too!! Good luck with development.

Pretty fun!

I was able to compile and run it after installing SFML

> sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev

This is on Linux Mint 21.2. It probably has other dependencies that I already had installed? The game should have come with real install instructions instead of "just run make".

Love Medicine. Really happy that you made a game with her. I don't think the game is very good, but it mostly works. I fell out of bounds and that's what eventually made me give up.

I was playing the game referenced in this game just earlier. Here is not the place to be reviewing that, though...

Your games are often very out-of-the-box, yet they always seem to hit. It's been a long time since I played Cave Story; it never hit me quite the same way it hit some people, but I still enjoyed it.

My earliest "game deving' was creating custom levels in Age of Empires. Not much programming involved, but you could setup conditions such as 'unit has entered an area' to trigger event, which is not that different from what I do for hit detection in all my Godot games. Modern game deving really is quite accessible.

I'm really impressed you were able to make this in 3 days. Absolutely incredible. But also, why?

I really loved Udongein X, it's one of my favorite fan games ever and it inspired me to finally play the Mega Man X games. So far, this seems like an upgrade in almost every way and I'm very excited for it.

My only concern is the double-tap to dash feature. Will it be possible to turn it off in the full game?

Good luck with the rest of the development!

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you liked it. Your games always have really interesting mechanics too; I've been a fan of yours for like 4 years.

I'll see if I can fix the resolution issues; I've never learned how to make my games have flexible resolution but I bet it's not that hard?

The intro is so good. The game is nice, but I wish the physics was more physics-y. Objects seem to randomly disappear and Aya sometimes just clip through things when using her spellcard. Still a nice game; the intro alone is worth it.

Gottem! The game looks really nice and is worth playing for the art alone.

Not depicted on screen: Okuu using her Subterranean Sun to mess with the players horizontal movement.

Game is good, but I wish it had actual balanced patterns instead of just giving the player 15+ lives. Messing with the players horizontal movement is just evil,especially during the last two patterns, although maybe it actually helps doing the tight circle on the final pattern. MAYBE.

Good but understandably short, given how high quality the content that's there is. It felt a bit cryptic for a minute or so, but it became pretty obvious what to do given the interface.

Blood pool hell, home.

It looks cute, the idea is cute, but the game itself is a bit lacking. I wish I knew where my hitbox was. I wish the patterns were more varied and easier when they stack up.

I like this concept. I wish there was an indicator of where Momoyo will appear to make it less volatile, and perhaps something else to spice up the game a bit, as it can be rather easy if you play carefully. The art is really cute, too.

The SECONDS OF FUN did not disappoint. Working as advertised.

The title screen Mystia is so cute that I'm worried for my health. Does the artist post their art somewhere?

On the gameplay side, I would advice against having acceleration/inertia in bullet hells. It works OK here because the patterns are easy.

A bit too easy and short. The upgrades are interesting and have nice synergies, and then it just ended as I was getting the ball rolling.

It's a bird... it's a quadcopter... it's a Superman 64 clone?

I went in expecting a meme game, but it's surprisingly good! On a scale between Superman 64 and Pilotwing 64, it's closer to Pilotwing 64. Thanks for making this!

I really liked it. The first card is probably the most difficult, so don't get discouraged.

Also, the bottom of the screen doesn't kill you, and you can stand on it for some pretty easy dodging without having to worry about vertical movement. I didn't want to use it since it seemed like cheating, but it might help you on some cards.

Paperboy Touhou fan game? Yes please! 3D too? Sure!

I wish the game was a bit better, but it's a nice concept.