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This game was very good, i enjoyed it alot, it was difficult to not loose a live in the first few rounds for me, but i was able to complete it and get a score of 9911.  The last few rounds where quite slow, since i have placed towers on every possible spot.
The art of the game looks great, the music fits well and the gameplay is nice.
I hope to see more of this game if you decide continuing work on it


Yeah, those last rounds were meant to spawn basically all together and try to rush your towers, so you needed towers along the entire path or some of them would get through. But I messed something up when tweaking the campaign timeline and now the last couple of waves are super slow and easy. So you just have to wait those out if you want to see your score. The lesson here is: even tiny last-minute changes should be tested properly. 😄

I don't know yet if I'll continue working on this game, but if people like it then I might expand the campaign and add some more levels.