The art design / menus / and dialogue system are fantastic, but I have some issues with the game’s overall design.
Its not clear where I’m supposed to go and what I’m ultimately trying to do. I think it would be beneficial for you to update the itch page with a better description of what is going on as the game has little explanation.
There seems to be a lack of focus in fitting together your different game systems. (this might tie into the lack of clarity mentioned above). What is the point of the “restaurant” and seeing these amazingly designed characters talk to you. Its endearing but not engaging.
The player controller is too floaty and doesn’t feel fun to use. This is pretty simple to solve so its not too much of a detractor from the overall experience.
The shear amount of enemies flooding the environment is a bit much.
I really like what’s here and hopefully my critiques don’t come across too harshly as I think there is something fun to be had here. Overall nice job!